Public Land Statistics

Land Resources and Information Healthy Productive Lands Commercial Uses and Revenues Generated Recreation and Leisure Activities Preserve Natural and Cultural Heritage Health, Safety and Resource Protection

This website contains links to Public Land Statistics published by the Bureau of Land Management. Public Land Statistics provides annual reports on land and mineral uses, animal populations, recreational uses, and more. This site offers:

  • Published Public Land Statistics in PDF
    • Full document - links below to current and past statistics
    • By chapter for the current published statistics - use links above or on the left. Each report is listed by Category and Section number as published in the Public Land Statistics
  • Public Land Statistics Active Reports - The active reports are no longer available at this time. Use the LR2000 land and minerals reporting system for current reports.

Below are the complete Public Land Statistics in PDF for previous years. Look for the "Click Here to Continue" at the bottom of the report page for years prior to 2010 to read the report. Not all documents could be made 508 compliant, see contact information below for accessibility help.

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Last updated: 09-04-12