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Welcome to Fort Hood’s web presence. For post information please call: 254-287-1110. If you notice any Suspicious Activity report it to: 254-288-COPS.


Weather information comes in a wide variety of formats. The various Internet, radio and TV weather services provided by the U.S. government are designed to meet the needs of professional aviators, mariners and the general public. These sites are designed to meet your weather information needs.

Child, Youth, and School Services Inclement Weather Grid: download pdf

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National Weather Service Forecasts

The National Weather Service (NWS) provides weather, hydrologic, and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States, its territories, adjacent waters and ocean areas, for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the national economy. NWS data and products form a national information database and infrastructure which can be used by other governmental agencies, the private sector, the public, and the global community.

Get the latest Fort Hood weather from any Internet portal by clicking on:

3d Weather Suadron Patch

3d Weather Squadron

The squadron is the largest base- or post-level weather unit in the Air Force. The support provided by the squadron is as diverse as its history and that of the Army customers it supports. For example, the squadron maintains a 24-hour observing and forecasting section at Robert Gray Army Airfield with automated observing at Hood Army Airfield.

The latest weather information for professional aviators – or anyone with AKO access – is online at:

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NOAA Storm Watch

You'll find links to the latest weather forecasts around the USA. Track storms through NOAA weather satellites, get the latest weather maps and learn how to protect yourself and your community from severe weather. Hurricane, drought and tornado information can be found at the listed NOAA Web sites. Check it out online at:

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National Hurricane Center

The Center exists To save lives, mitigate property loss, and improve economic efficiency by Issuing the best watches, warnings, forecasts and analyses of hazardous tropical weather, and by increasing understanding of these hazards. For an in-depth understanding of what the NHC has to offer, visit their website at:

Thunderstorm, Tornado & Lightning Preparedness Guide

Families should be prepared for all hazards that could affect their area. NOAA’s National Weather Service, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the American Red Cross urge every family to develop a family disaster plan.

Where will your family be when disaster strikes? They could be anywhere—at work, at school, or in the car. How will you find each other? Will you know if your children are safe? Disaster may force you to evacuate your neighborhood or confine you to your home. What would you do if basic services—water, gas, electricity, or telephones—were cut off?

Answers to these questions and more available online at:

Flash Floods

"Flash Floods and Floods...The Awesome Power" is a 16-page, 4-color brochure published by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce that gives information on flash floods and floods, how they happen, dangers to people, driving safety, and background information. Local Red Cross chapters can order the brochures in packages of 10 as stock number A4493 for a nominal fee.

It’s available online at:

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If a heat wave is predicted or happening

  • Slow down. Avoid strenuous activity. If you must do strenuous activity, do it during the coolest part of the day, which is usually in the morning between 4 and 7 a.m.
  • Stay indoors as much as possible. If air conditioning is not available, stay on the lowest floor, out of the sunshine. Try to go to a public building with air conditioning each day for several hours. Remember, electric fans do not cool the air, but they do help sweat evaporate, which cools your body.
  • Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing. Light colors will reflect away some of the sun's energy.
  • Drink plenty of water regularly and often, even if you do not feel thirsty. Your body needs water to keep cool.
  • Water is the safest liquid to drink during heat emergencies. Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine in them. They can make you feel good briefly, but make the heat's effects on your body worse. This is especially true about beer, which dehydrates the body.
  • Eat small meals and eat more often. Avoid foods that are high in protein, which increase metabolic heat.
  • Avoid using salt tablets unless directed to do so by a physician.