National Guard Bureau

                                  Publications & Forms Library




  Pubs & Forms Indexes

Chief NGB Issuances

  ARNG Pubs by Series

  NG Supplements

  ANG Pubs by Series

  ANG Supplements

  TPR's (Technician)

ARNG Leader Development Strategy



Publications on this site are applicable to the National Guard Bureau,
to include the ARNG, ANG and the Joint Staff.

Proponents should not be releasing publications directly to the field for implementation. Publications are approved for release only after final editing by the ARNG or ANG Pubs Editor. Please contact us if a publication date does not match this site, or you have a publication not listed on this site. For questions pertaining to publication content, please contact the proponent directly for clarification.


New regulations and policies may supersede some of the guidance provided in these publications.  It is the proponents responsibility to maintain and revise publications as needed. The administrators of this site are not responsible for ensuring the timeliness of the revisions.