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2013 NASA IV&V Workshop Call for Papers
 Posted on Feb 01, 2013 06:25:58 AM | Bailee Morris
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2013 NASA IV&V Workshop Call for Papers

The Fifth International Workshop on Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) of Software

West Virginia University’s Erickson Alumni Center

Morgantown, West Virginia, USA

September 10-12, 2013

The NASA IV&V Annual Workshop offers an in-depth understanding of the challenges that V&V organizations face in assuring that system software operates safely and reliably. The goal of the workshop is to generate solutions to these challenges. This year, we will be offering topics in three different tracks, as indicated in the tables below. To participate in this workshop, you must submit an abstract (maximum 4000 characters, including spaces) by April 15, 2013. Abstracts will be reviewed for relevancy to this workshop. A new feature of this year’s workshop will give authors the option of preparing a paper that will be presented in proceedings to be published at the completion of the workshop. If an abstract is deemed relevant, the author will be invited to prepare a draft of his or her final paper. All final paper drafts will be reviewed for acceptance as either a poster presentation or an oral presentation at this year's workshop.


All abstracts are to be written in English. An electronic version (PDF or MS Word format) should be submitted via email to Lisa Downs at


Important Dates

April 15, 2013              Abstract submission Due

May 15, 2013              Notification of Acceptance

June 1, 2013               Attendee Registration Opens

August 31, 2013          Final Papers/Presentations Due

August 31, 2013          Attendee Registration Closes


Contact Information

Annual IV&V Workshop Chair: Lisa Downs,

Registration and Social Media: Bailee Morris, and Jennifer Neptune,

Corporate Sponsorships: Phil Loftis,

Technical Committee and Annual IV&V Workshop Co-Chair: Stephen Husty,


We are currently seeking technical paper, poster and demo submissions in the areas noted below.



Optimizing IV&V Planning and Execution

Analysis Framework Reuse (i.e., developer-specific mission analysis frameworks)

Development and Application of Assurance Case Structures

Efficiency Measurement and Continuous Improvement

Unified IV&V Analysis Process

IV&V Analysis Work Optimization Tips and Techniques

Application of Common Office Tools in Reducing Burden of IV&V Analysis and Evidence Collection

Use of Shared Data Dictionary for Improving Commonality of Terms of Reference Between Projects

IV&V Infrastructure and Stakeholder Community Support

IV&V Education Challenges

IV&V Skills Development and Certification

Efficient Risk Management in IV&V

Computing the Value of IV&V

Integrating NASA Assured Systems with Commercial Assured Systems

Commercial Space Systems IV&V

IV&V Challenges and Opportunities of SDLC Choices and Applicable Lessons Learned

Extending NASA IV&V Methods and Tools Applicability to Other Domains

New York City 911



Law Enforcement




IV&V Analysis Case Studies

Addressing Security Aspects of System Assurance via IV&V

Development and Application of IV&V Technical Reference Solutions

Assurance of Model-based Development

Automated Software Specification

Automated Software Design and Synthesis

IV&V of Autogenerated Code

Writing a "Good" Assurance Claim

Architecture Frameworks as Applied to NASA Systems

Software Assurance of Complex Algorithms

Criticality Analysis

Data Product IV&V

Data Integrity

Data Visualization

Patterns and Frameworks Applied to IV&V Analysis

Off-nominal Operations

Software-based Hazard Causes, Contributors and Controls




Special-Case IV&V Challenges

Challenges of IV&V of Projects Using Other Than Waterfall SDLC

Performing IV&V on an En Route Project

IV&V of Auto-generated Code

Highly Parallel Development Projects

IV&V Test Verification Methodologies

Autonomous Systems IV&V

Robotic Systems IV&V

IV&V of Early Lifecycle Artifacts

Partitioned Systems

Swarm Intelligence

Adaptive Systems

Application of Assurance Case Methodology to Assuring Autonomous Systems

Initiating and Evolving IV&V Methods

Use of Simulations in Performing IV&V

IV&V of Critical Behavior

Improving Effectiveness and Efficiency of IV&V Methods

Evolving Technology Impacts on IV&V Analysis Methodologies

The Future of Software Development and Its Impact on IV&V

Innovative Uses of Non-traditional IV&V Tools to Improve IV&V Analyses

Crowd Sourcing as a Prototype for Code Validation

Towards Content/Context-based and Collaborative IV&V

Application of Data Mining Tools to Support IV&V

Applying Social Media to IV&V

Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques

Knowledge Representation and Retrieval

Knowledge Visualization

Integrity, Security and Fault Tolerance Assessments in IV&V

Fault Management Architecture and Implementation IV&V

Team-based Approach to Performing IV&V of Systems

Computer-Supported Cooperative Work

Verifying Scripts

Providing Assurance of Enterprise Software, Middleware and Tools

Performance-based Design Assurance

Formal Methods: Current Tools and Practical Applications



FIRST LEGO League Robotics Competition
 Posted on Jan 11, 2013 01:06:33 PM | Bailee Morris
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Josh Revels in an intern in the IV&V Program's Educator Resource Center (ERC). He played an active role in the executing of the FIRST LEGO League Robotics Competition.  

On December 8th, 2012, Fairmont State University echoed with the cheers of the 54 West Virginia FIRST LEGO League (FLL) teams. I was fortunate enough, as an ERC intern, to experience the event from working volunteer aspect. It was easy to spot the teams because members either wore colorful shirts with team designs or had on a fun costume. In the pit area, teams operated on their robots so that they could perform various tasks during the table competition such as scoring a strike in a bowling challenge. One team even managed to program their robot to climb an incline then balance it on a tilt table! It was hard to hide from the excitement of the event. Located next to the pit area, I saw teams dancing and building LEGO communities. Although the event was entertaining, I can’t help but to remember how great it felt when I witnessed a team graciously sharing a lap top charger with another team.

In the end, it became clear that the best aspect of being a part of FLL is the difference it makes in our lives. Whether it is the advancement of technology for society or working as a member of a team to accomplish a difficult test, FLL is clearly all about collaborative innovation.

Josh Revels
ERC Intern
NASA’s Independent Verification & Validation Program

2012 Careers in the Corridor Event
 Posted on Dec 13, 2012 08:09:44 AM | Bailee Morris
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Jess White is the STEM Initiatives Lead at NASA's IV&V Program. He is the current coordinator for the Careers in the Corridor event.  

NASA’s IV&V Program STEM Initiatives Office held the fourth annual Careers in the Corridor (CIC) exhibition on Friday November 30, 2012. The event showcased the variety of high tech careers available in West Virginia and featured a presentation by a former space shuttle astronaut and West Virginia native, Capt. Jon McBride.

The objective of CIC is to help sophomores, juniors and seniors imagine the future they can realize by studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Astronaut McBride spoke about his journey to become what is now West Virginia’s only astronaut. Afterwards, he joined the students on a tour of job fair exhibits staffed by NASA and other corporate and academic recruiters.  

Among the exhibitors there were West Virginia University’s Dr. Powsiri Klinkhachorn and a few members of his WVU Robotics Team. Along with them they brought the WVU Mars Rover, which was built by the WVU Robotics Team and competed in the MARS RASC-AL RoboOps Challenge. Although the robotics held the students’ interest, many of the other vendors had the opportunity to interact with the students one-on-one, which was something they felt was very important.  

“Careers in the Corridor is one of the best communication platforms I have seem for the promotion of NASA’s STEM initiatives and inspiring the next generation of West Virginians,” vendor and TASC Office Manager Bree Layton said.  

The vendors certainly weren’t the only ones who saw the benefit of this annual event. Cynthia Howell of Heritage Christian School stated that this event was very good for her students and that she hoped that their school can participate in future IV&V educational outreach opportunities.  

A big thanks to all of those who helped make this event happen. It was a great success and one that we hope to continue for many years to come. If you are interested in becoming a vendor for next year’s event, please contact STEM Initiatives Lead Jess White at or Bailee Morris at

Jess White
STEM Initiatives Lead
NASA’s Independent Verification & Validation Program

IV&V's Independent Test Capability Team Competes in 2012 NASA Software of the Year
 Posted on Nov 15, 2012 10:47:45 AM | Bailee Morris
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The IV&V Program's Independent Test Capability team is chartered to acquire, develop and maintain simulation and test environments for NASA's IV&V Program to enable dynamic analysis of NASA IV&V-supported projects. The team has worked with Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM), James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), International Space Station, Juno, Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV), Autonomous Flight Safety System (AFSS) and Goddard Mission Services Evolution Center (GMSEC).  

The IV&V Program’s Independent Test Capability team had the opportunity to compete in the 2012 NASA Software of the Year competition. The competition is sponsored by the NASA Chief Engineer, the NASA Chief Information Officer and the NASA Office of Safety and Mission Assurance. The purpose of the competition is to allow the agency to recognize and appreciate NASA’s team members who set high standards for significant software that is creative, usable, transferable and possesses inherent quality.

The competition requires that teams prepare and submit a significantly large packet of information detailing the characteristics of the software including commercialization potential, uniqueness and creativity, to name a few. In addition to the packet submission, each team prepares and gives a 30 minute presentation on the software. Initial submissions are evaluated at each respective NASA center and final submissions are evaluated by a software advisory panel, with representatives from across the agency.  

It was an honor for the Independent Test Capability team to be involved in this competition and to represent the IV&V Program and Goddard Space Flight Center. The team received honorable mention recognition and was the first submission from the IV&V Program. Thank you to everyone that supported the submission and especially those who provided peer reviews and letters of support. The team looks forward to its next opportunity to compete!

Independent Test Capability Team
NASA’s Independent Verification & Validation Program

Day in the Park 2012
 Posted on Nov 01, 2012 10:14:07 AM | Bailee Morris
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Jess White is the STEM Initiatives Lead at NASA's IV&V Program. He is the current coordinator for the Day in the Park event.  

Thirteen years of Day in the Park events has impacted over 10,000 West Virginia citizens with high quality NASA Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) educational content. This year’s Day in the Park event was no different. On October 23-24, 2012, approximately 1,200 fifth and seventh-grade students had the unique opportunity to learn about STEM careers, NASA’s mission and what it takes to be an astronaut. With a goal of inspiring, educating and engaging learners about NASA and STEM careers, students experienced hands-on scientific and engineering presentations by former astronaut Ken Cameron, the Carnegie Science Center and the Seattle-based Museum of Flight. Also attending and serving as Master of Ceremonies was former West Virginia Congressman Alan Mollohan.

Day in the Park is provided to students each year to fight against the trend of students losing interest in science and math during pre-adolescent formative years of development. Day in the Park vendors strive to provide content that is jam packed full of the “WOW” factor in regards to science and math. While eating lunch, a student told me that they are now torn between working for NASA’s IV&V Program in Fairmont and becoming an astronaut after hearing about Mr. Cameron’s experience as a NASA astronaut. Teachers attending the event were equally impressed, stating they think these types of STEM awareness opportunities are exactly what their students need as motivation to take the steps necessary to become our nations next generation of STEM professionals.  

I could not have 'daydreamed' better responses from guests of our Day in the Park events!  

For more photos, visit NASA's IV&V Program page on Facebook.

Jess White
STEM Initiatives Lead
NASA's Independent Verification & Validation Program

Introspection of an Intern
 Posted on Sep 21, 2012 09:57:35 AM | Bailee Morris
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Former SEAP, NEAP, and SCIP Intern Joel Abraham graduated summa cum laude from South Harrison High School with a 4.0 un-weighted grade point average. He currently attends West Virginia Wesleyan College and is double majoring in Computer Information Science and Mathematics while pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. Joel has also interned at the NASA IV&V Facility each summer since 2008.  

“Try for this, I know you can do it,” my teacher said as she handed me a piece of paper. Glancing down, I saw the words ‘Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program.’ I politely took the paper and continued with my class work. Later that night my mom found the application on the floor beside my backpack with a slew of books strung around it.

“Do you realize what this is?” my mom asked holding up the paper.  

“Yeah, it’s an application I got at school today,” I replied.

“But do you realize what it is? It’s an application for an internship at the NASA IV&V Facility.”

I had no idea that this brief dialog would lead to five amazing summer internships with NASA's IV&V Program.

Each summer, interns just like me, take on projects that give them the opportunity to develop their analytical and communication skills. Some of the challenging and diverse tasks I have been given have enabled me to polish these proficiencies by participating in hands-on projects, writing formal reports, and conducting various presentations. The unique internship programs offered at the NASA IV&V Program have provided me with remarkable opportunities to apply this knowledge while learning IV&V techniques, engineering principles, and office etiquette.

During the internship, each student is paired with a mentor. These mentors invest their time and efforts in order to help the interns succeed. Being able to work with many great mentors has been a blessing. Their support allowed me to work with NASA software and create tools to be used by the IV&V Program in the future! I’m not the only one who has reaped the benefits of this program. Students from north central West Virginia and, more recently, all over the United States have benefited from these programs, as well.

So, to all of those who have sacrificed their time and efforts to invest in the lives of young people, on behalf of all of the NASA IV&V interns, I would like to extend a very sincere thank you! For more information about NASA IV&V internships, please contact STEM Initiatives Lead Jess White at or visit this link.

Joel Abraham
IV&V Intern
NASA’s Independent Verification & Validation Program

OC Flight-1 Team at the State Fair
 Posted on Aug 27, 2012 04:37:05 PM | Bailee Morris
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Steven Hard is the Project Manager for IV&V’s OC Flight-1 effort. He is also a member of the West Virginia University (WVU) Robotics Team in Morgantown, West Virginia.  

OC Flight-1 development team member Alan Didion and I went to the State Fair of West Virginia to join the West Virginia University Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources (CEMR) booth set up within the West Virginia University building on the grounds. We represented WVU’s chapter of the Student Partnership for Cosmic Exploration (SPACE), which is a multi-disciplinary student group aimed at helping students get internships with NASA and broadening student awareness of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) opportunities. Alan is the co-president of SPACE, whereas I’m just a member spreading the word.

We brought with us the WVU Mars Rover, which was built by the WVU Robotics Team and competed in the Mars RASC-AL RoboOps Challenge. We also brought both a mockup and a real version of the TubeSat flying on the OC Flight-1 mission. We talked about the results of the RoboOps competition, showed a demonstration of the mobility and manipulation capabilities of the WVU Mars Rover by turning in place, performing short arc-steering translations, and retrieving rocks with the robotic arm. The vision system was also displayed using a nearby Video Graphics Array (VGA) monitor. Discussions transitioned to the Space Flight Design Challenge concept and the OC Flight-1 mission as interest propagated across the display table.

This booth was a wonderful venue for getting the word out about our efforts. We all very much enjoyed the State Fair of West Virginia and hope that our message made an impression.

Steven Hard
Project Manager
NASA’s Independent Verification & Validation Program

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