Historical Documents


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Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964–1968, Volume I, Vietnam, 1964

Edward C. Keefer
Charles S. Sampson
General Editor:
John P. Glennon

United States Government Printing Office

Office of the Historian
Bureau of Public Affairs

Table of Contents


On the basis of preliminary research and review of already-published documentation, including the 1971 "Pentagon Papers," the editors developed the following five areas of focus for the research and selection of documents for inclusion in this volume: 1) discussion and formulation of policy in Washington; 2) missions of high-level Johnson administration officials to South Vietnam and their recommendations; 3) planning for military operations against North Vietnam and the actual implementation of U.S. military operations in Vietnam; 4) the relationship among the U.S. Government, the Khanh government, and opposition elements in South Vietnam; 5) the implementation of policy in South Vietnam.

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