Trends on Tuesday: Mobile App Downloads Increase

App Downloads During Holiday Week

Flurry released numbers on app download totals for the end of 2012 that demonstrate the increasing popularity of smartphones and apps. The final week of the year is perhaps the most important one for app makers, as a number of new devices are activated and new apps are downloaded. As the chart highlights, there was a substantial amount of app download activity that week. According to Flurry, it was a new record.

The final week of the year, between Christmas and New Year’s Day, grew by 65% over the early-December baseline, historically breaking through the largest single week record previously set during the same week of 2011.  While several weeks since late November delivered billion+ week download levels, the holiday week delivered a record-shattering 1.7 billion downloads.

Flurry further states that these trends may become the norm.

Looking forward to 2013, Flurry expects the trend of one-billion-download weeks to become the norm, and that the industry will surpass the two-billion download week during Q4.

The increasing use of apps is important for agencies to consider as they decide how to implement mobile.

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