Contact Us

We designed this site for our valued IRS partners, government agencies and offices, tax preparers and news media. Our objective is to ensure all EITC eligible workers receive the credit they earned and deserve by using the latest tools for marketing, education and tax return preparation. We welcome your comments and suggestions for better tailoring the site to your needs. Use our contact form to let us know:

  • What other information is helpful for your EITC outreach, education and tax preparation efforts
  • What other materials and information would help you assist individuals and families who may qualify for EITC
  • Do you have best practices to share
  • Are there any broken links or functions in this toolkit that are not working
  • Do you have any other suggestions or feedback

What We Cannot do through this mailbox:

  • Answer inquiries about your tax account:
    • If you are looking for "Where's My Refund?", click here.
    • If you need your tax transcripts, return information or tax return copies, click here for how to order by phone or mail.
  • Answer your tax law inquires:
    • For EITC-related questions, visit our page on
    • Find out if you are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit or EITC by answering some questions and providing basic income information in the EITC Assistant. The Assistant also estimates the amount of your EITC. Click here for the English Version of the EITC Assistant o haga click aquí para seleccionar la Versión e Español del Asistente EITC.
    • For all other tax law inquiries, visit the Interactive Tax Assistant (ITA) on It is a tax law resource that takes you through a series of questions and provides you with responses to tax law questions.