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CIA Home > Offices of CIA > Science & Technology > Internship Program

Internship Program

CIA recruits students from college and university campuses across the United States. We recruit students with a wide range of degrees to include information technology, engineering, and physical sciences for internships with the Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T). Qualified students from all schools are interviewed on campus and travel to Washington, D.C. for security and medical processing.

DS&T student internships can occur during any semester -- fall, winter, spring, and summer.  Internships usually last a minimum of 90 days. DS&T students receive employee benefits, such as life and health insurance, paid vacation and medical leave, and portable retirement and investment plans. Salaries are based on the number of tours of duty a student serves with the CIA. DS&T students may be eligible for tuition assistance during their last year of school.


Enhance Your Technical Skills

All internship programs provide an invaluable opportunity to enhance your skills in a job assignment that is related to your major while learning about the fascinating world of high-tech intelligence gathering. A large percentage of our DS&T students are offered full-time employment upon graduation.


Broaden Your Horizons

As a DS&T student intern you will meet, work, and live with interesting people from across the nation. All DS&T students are assigned to the CIA Headquarters area in the vibrant Northern Virginia high technology corridor, where they can take advantage of the rich cultural and historical offerings of nearby Washington, D.C.


Eligibility Requirements

  • US citizen
  • Full-time student working towards a degree such as Engineering, Information Technology, and Physical Science
  • Must be returning to school for at least one semester following the internship
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0


How to Apply

Because the CIA's security and medical processing can take several months, students are strongly encouraged to apply online nine to 12 months prior to availability of work tour.

For more information on positions and the application process, please visit the Student Opportunities section of our Careers page.

Posted: May 05, 2007 12:53 PM
Last Updated: Feb 12, 2013 10:52 AM
Last Reviewed: Dec 16, 2011 03:34 PM