Tag Archives: Taxes

Late on New Year’s night, the House voted in a bipartisan manner to pass tax relief for middle class Americans and help grow the economy. House Democrats and the President kept their promise to protect 98 percent of families and … Continue reading

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The House will soon vote on H.R. 8, a Republican-sponsored measure which would end vital expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit and ends the American Opportunity Tax Credit (which helps make college more affordable … Continue reading

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House Democrats introduced a bill to cut middle class taxes and give one hundred percent of Americans a tax cut. This is the same bill that has already passed the Senate and would be signed into law by President Obama … Continue reading

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GOP MYTH: Republicans claim that the President’s middle class tax cut proposal would hurt small businesses, and cost 700,000 jobs. NOT TRUE THE FACTS: The nonpartisan Pulitzer Prize-winning PolitiFact labeled the small business claim a “pants on fire” lie. – … Continue reading

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