Argonne National Laboratory
Nuclear Energy Student & Postdoctoral Opportunities
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Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Energy Students Programs at Argonne National Lab
Fellowships for University Students

Rickover Fellowship Program in Nuclear Engineering

Rickover Fellowship program

Apply for 2013-2014 Award cycle
This program is designed to meet the needs of the Naval Reactors Division of the U.S. Department of Energy.
The principle emphasis of this program is on students seeking Ph.D. degrees in nuclear engineering, or in closely related fields.
Benefits include: 1) payment of tuition and fees, 2) monthly stipend, 3) practical laboratory experience.

Applications Deadline: Jan 31, 2013

For more information and to apply:

Nuclear Forensics Graduate Fellowship Program

Nuclear Forensics Graduate Fellowship program

Apply for Academic Year: 2013-2014
The Nuclear Forensics Graduate Fellowship Program (NFGFP) provides support to graduate students pursuing doctoral degrees in nuclear engineering, radiochemistry, and other disciplines directly relevant to nuclear forensics.
Benefits include: 1) Student tuition is paid directly to the university; 2) Students receive monthly stipends; 3) Travel expenses are reimbursable, as applicable; 4) Appointments are renewable for up to five years; 5) Fellows gain theoretical and applied work experience during practicums at U.S. DOE and/or DoD laboratories; 6) Fellows have the opportunity to closely interact with nuclear forensics technical and policy experts at U.S. Government agencies and laboratories.
Applications Deadline: Feb 1, 2013

For more information and to apply:

Nuclear Forensics Undergraduate Fellowship Program

Nuclear Forensics Undergraduate Fellowship program

The Nuclear Forensics Undergraduate Scholarship Program (NFUSP) provides scholarships to qualified undergraduate students pursuing degrees in scientific disciplines relevant to technical nuclear forensics.
Benefits include: 1) Stipend to support nine-to-12-week summer research appointment at a Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory and project completion during the fall term; 2) Travel funds associated with performing laboratory work and participating in technical meetings; 3) Hands-on experience through unique summer research opportunities at the DOE national laboratories; 4) Close interaction with technical experts throughout the national nuclear forensics community.
Applications Deadline: Feb 1, 2013

For more information and to apply:

Programs for Students at Argonne

Check out the list of Programs

Technical Resources for University Students

In this website

For information about Argonne Educational Programs see below.

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From the Nucleonica website

Website by the Institute for Transuranium Elements - European Commission.

From the NNDC website

Website by the National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC) of Brookhaven National Laboratory.

From the MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) website

Free lecture notes, exams, and videos from MIT. No registration required.

The Nuclear Job Market in the Press

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Related Resources

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Nuclear Energy Learning Resources for Home and School

Selected by Nuclear Energy Experts for Students and Educators

Explore our list of recommended resources covering nuclear energy related topics. Visit Now»

DOE Resources

Educational Programs Links

Educational Programs Division
Argonne National Laboratory's link to the educational community

Catalog of Research Participation Projects
A resource containing the titles and descriptions of almost all research projects underway at Argonne National Laboratory


Downloadable docs

Chicago Resources


Lisa Reed
Laboratory-Graduate Research Appointments
Division of Educational Programs


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Students Projects at Nuclear Engineering Division of Argonne

A message from Laural Briggs, NE Student Outreach

Thanks for accessing the Student Opportunities page of Argonne’s Nuclear Engineering (NE) Division. We who are members of the NE Division Student Outreach Committee would like to make you aware of what our committee does and invite you to contact us if we can be of any help to you...
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Programs for Students at Argonne

Argonne conducts programs for undergraduate and graduate students. Follow the links below to find out more:

Featured Fellowships!

  • Are you a graduate student pursuing a PhD in Nuclear Engineering or related fields?
    Take special note of the featured fellowship programs listed on the top-right of this page. Deadlines for those are in early 2013.

List of Argonne Graduate Programs

Featured Fellowship!

  • Are you an undergraduate student pursuing a degree in physics, chemistry, nuclear engineering, and material science?
    Take special note of the featured fellowship program for undergraduate students listed on the right of this page. Deadline to apply is in early 2013.

List of Argonne Undergraduate Programs

Mentors and Students at the Nuclear Engineering Division


For further information on student programs at Argonne, please contact:

Lisa Reed
Laboratory-Graduate Research Appointments
Division of Educational Programs

For further information on student internships within the Nuclear Engineering Division, please contact:

Lee Ann Ciarlette
Manager, Programmatic & Administrative Resources
Nuclear Engineering Division
Building 208, C237B
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439
Fax: +1 630-252-4007


Nuclear Energy Learning Resources Nuclear Energy Learning Resources for Home and School

Visit our website for Students and Teachers:
"Nuclear Energy Learning Resources for Home and School" at


Please understand that Argonne National Laboratory and the Nuclear Engineering Division are not responsible for the contents of any of the websites listed, other than any which originate within Argonne. No endorsement of any organization or site is intended by this listing, and none should be inferred.