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A systematic review of simulation for multidisciplinary team training in operating rooms.
Cumin D, Boyd MJ, Webster CS, Weller JM. Simul Healthc. 2013 Jan 21; [Epub ahead of print].

Simulations are increasingly used for teamwork training in scenarios ranging from emergency departments to pediatrics. Simulated operating room (OR) scenarios have also been used for studying the effect of surgical checklists in crises. Despite widespread implementation, previous systematic reviews have raised concerns about variation in type and intensity of simulation programs, as well as the paucity of high-quality studies confirming their effectiveness. This review examined simulation training for integrated multidisciplinary OR teams and found that current simulation studies lack standardization of techniques and measurement methods. While participants in these training programs generally felt that they were realistic and useful, significant barriers were noted, including recruitment, fidelity of surgical models, and costs. The authors suggest that future work focus on how best to overcome these barriers.

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