Photo of the Week: Supporting Agriculture in Malawi

Posted by Eboni Bell / August 10, 2012

Dairy farmer Margaret Chinkwende explains her work to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Martin Banda of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Lilongwe, Malawi, August 5, 2012. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

Eboni Bell serves as an Assistant Editor for DipNote.

This week's "Photo of the Week" comes to us from the U.S. Embassy in Malawi, where Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton participated in a Feed the Future event at the Lumbadzi Milk Bulking center on August 5, 2012. In this photograph, dairy farmer Margaret Chinkwende describes her work to the Secretary of State.

At the event, Secretary Clinton remarked, "For the past decade, the United States has been supporting Malawi's dairy sector, including this center. And thanks to your work and the support we have given you, Malawi's milk production has increased 500 percent. Thousands of farmers have benefited. I was delighted to meet some of the farmers and the workers here. And I want to thank all of you. I'm also proud that we see a partnership with PEPFAR, so people can also receive HIV testing and counseling services here."

Secretary Clinton continued, "Now, Malawi and the United States are building on this success. Today I am pleased to announce that over the next three years, the United States intends to invest in Malawi more than $46 million to strengthen the entire agricultural chain. We are also proud to make a gift to this center of this purebred dairy bull -- his name is Emanuel -- and a liquid nitrogen network to help farmers throughout the region improve their dairy cattle breeding. As Secretary of State of the United States, I'm very pleased that I could be here to see all of you and to see Margaret's cow, the technical testing, and the beautiful milk that I just observed.

"We want to help agriculture in Malawi get even stronger, so that all the children will have better lives. And I particularly thank the women farmers who are here before me for their hard work, and their families, their husbands, and their children for being part of this successful program. I look forward to hearing more about the success of our support for agriculture here in Malawi."

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