Government Spending

Whenever I meet with Nebraskans, I receive a single, consistent message over and over again: Washington must cut out-of-control government spending. I agree, and the American people are right to expect more accountability from their government. But instead of cutting the deficit, we have seen four straight years of trillion-dollar deficits and a national debt exceeding $16 trillion. And rather than cutting wasteful spending, the federal government has added $4 billion each day to our gross national debt. We all know this path is not sustainable.

I'm proud to have balanced our state budget eight times as a member of the Nebraska Legislature by making tough decisions and setting priorities. Similarly, I support a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to force Congress and the president to cut federal spending. We must identify the national priorities worthy of taxpayer funding and I support a more limited government that focuses on these priorities by fulfilling its core duties and responsibilities.