U.S. Imports of Select Downstream Steel Products
Quantity in Metric Tons or Thousands of Units
Same Table - US Dollars

Same Table - Average Unit Value

Product Month
  OCT11 NOV11 DEC11 JAN12 FEB12 MAR12 APR12 MAY12 JUN12 JUL12 AUG12 SEP12 OCT12 NOV12 DEC12
Steel wire garment hangers (Thousands of Units) 165,218 176,713 158,149 193,733 144,333 165,971 199,920 212,871 163,541 201,508 149,343 142,578 135,218 145,639 138,507
Steel springs 28,823 28,891 23,865 30,647 31,396 33,408 31,489 34,538 30,915 30,102 31,871 26,649 29,917 29,279 22,455
Collated Steel Wire Nails 25,198 23,590 19,024 23,454 18,773 21,503 25,754 29,494 31,183 34,252 32,135 25,174 25,406 21,854 21,542
Non-Butt Weld Fittings & Flanges 17,909 20,691 21,654 24,520 19,587 24,049 25,791 26,578 25,234 28,104 23,968 22,634 20,345 20,589 19,353
Steel wire strand 17,097 16,734 16,562 22,522 16,800 22,742 21,714 26,221 19,297 23,937 17,041 20,406 17,076 20,417 19,216
Bulk Steel Wire Nails 11,652 12,538 9,843 11,498 10,391 11,391 13,858 15,362 16,393 16,674 14,883 12,236 13,473 11,070 12,252
Steel wire rope & cable 11,827 13,203 11,327 13,356 13,081 13,329 11,989 13,851 13,145 13,998 13,237 11,705 11,992 13,952 10,610
Cold-formed Shapes 6,872 6,087 6,391 7,940 6,837 6,787 6,263 6,586 6,065 6,152 6,087 7,384 6,951 6,638 7,314
Iron and Nonalloy Butt-weld Fittings 5,016 4,937 5,529 5,154 4,045 5,442 4,514 6,659 5,881 6,678 6,740 5,544 6,595 6,937 7,087
Other Steel Wire Nails and Staples 3,740 2,736 2,940 3,307 2,805 2,234 2,824 3,173 3,732 3,850 2,635 2,154 2,512 2,637 2,412
Barbed Wire 439.6 501.2 601.1 812.4 886.9 1,137 1,121 1,461 823.7 675.5 633.3 442.0 1,006 1,045 872.8
Alloy Butt-weld Fittings 568.8 308.3 547.9 834.5 464.8 773.4 980.9 923.3 677.8 473.7 370.3 636.8 576.5 864.7 872.6
Steel wire cloth, grill, netting and fencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: February 11, 2013, with
Census data collected through December 2012
Data listed in order of descending volume imported during last THREE months reported
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