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AFM Business Council (AFMBC)

AFM Business Council


As a result of the 2009 Employee and Customer Satisfaction Survey, the Deputy Administrator, Administrative and Financial Management (DAAFM) established the AFM Business Council (AFMBC) to serve as an midlevel management advisory board to AFM executive management on issues such as organizational planning, resource allocation across program areas, and overall program decision making.




AFMBC Current Initiatives:

  • Supervisory Training for AFM
    Managing the Federal Employee Process, Brookings Institute, Inc.
    Mandatory for all AFM supervisors.  3 classes were held at GWCC during the months of May & June 2010. 

  • Customer Service Training - AFM

  • Telework/Worklife 
    AFM is already working on a telework initiative, including a group making recommendations to OCIO for infrastructure improvements needed to facilitate telework.


Last Updated: 09/27/2012