
The 2012 State New Economy Index

The State New Economy Index uses 26 indicators to measure the extent to which state economies are knowledge-based, globalized, entrepreneurial, IT-driven and innovation-based.

The Whole Picture: Where America’s Broadband Networks Really Stand

United States has made rapid progress in broadband deployment, performance and price.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Innovation Policy

Not all innovation policies are created equal. In a ground-breaking report, ITIF surveys how countries’ innovation policies affect them individually and the global economy as a whole and recommends ways for healthy competition that benefits all.

Taking on the Three Deficits

America actually faces three deficits—the budget deficit, the trade deficit, and the investment deficit—that, if left unchecked, could total over $41 trillion in the next 10 years.

Worse Than the Great Depression: What the Experts Are Missing About American Manufacturing Decline

Report debunks myths about productivity gains, restructuring, and a manufacturing renaissance and explains what is needed for a real recovery in this essential sector.

Winning the Race 2012 Memos

As the 2012 presidential campaign moves in the final stage, ITIF is presenting general principles and specific recommendations across several policy areas.

Recent Publications

February 15, 2013 Testimony to Vermont Agricultural & Forest Products Advisory Board: H112
Vermont's H112 should not be enacted because it is based on a misunderstanding about biotech crops.
January 14, 2013 Cut to Invest: Support the Designation of 20 "U.S. Manufacturing Universities"
Congress should establish “U.S. Manufacturing Universities” as part of a needed push to strengthen the position of the United States in the global economy.
December 16, 2012 The Benefits of ITA Expansion for Developing Countries
ITA member countries—developed and developing alike—should seize on the opportunity to further tariff rate elimination on ICT products.
December 11, 2012 Why America Needs a National Network for Manufacturing Innovation
Creating a National Network for Manufacturing Innovation should be a priority for policymakers.
December 5, 2012 The Impact of International Technology Transfer on American Research and Development
Pressured or mandatory technology transfer by other nations has, is, and will continue to negatively impact American R&D and innovation capabilities.
November 26, 2012 A Fair and Competitive Royalty System for Music Services
The current rate-setting process for music royalties is broken, reform would allow copyright owners to individually set rates for their music.
November 26, 2012 Copyright Policy and Economic Doctrines
Economic doctrines lead to different views of optimal copyright policy.
November 21, 2012 The Gathering Storm: WCIT and the Global Regulation of the Internet
The ITU is facing obsolescence but this existential crisis does not justify a wholesale restructuring of Internet governance.
November 12, 2012 The Information Technology Agreement: Advice and Information on the Proposed Expansion: Part 2
Testimony before the U.S. International Trade Commission making the case for the expansion of the ITA.
October 31, 2012 50 Ideas for More Accessible Elections
Fifty actionable ideas illustrating how to make voting more accessible for all Americans, including voters with disabilities.
October 16, 2012 Lean, Mean, and Clean II: Assessing DOD Investments in Clean Energy Innovation
Using Energy Innovation Tracker to examine DOD contributions to clean energy.
September 23, 2012 Comments on the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA Rule)
COPPA restricts the development of a robust Internet ecosystem for children and should not be strengthened.
September 20, 2012 Eroding Our Foundation: Sequestration, R&D, Innovation and U.S. Economic Growth
The Budget Control Act would be a hard hit to vital U.S. industries, competitiveness, and economic recovery.
September 12, 2012 Comparing the 2012 Presidential Candidates’ Technology and Innovation Policies
Non-partisan report evaluates the candidates' positions on innovation-based policy.
September 5, 2012 Winning the Race 2012 Memos
As the 2012 presidential campaign moves in the final stage, ITIF is presenting general principles and specific recommendations across several policy areas.


Upcoming Events

March 19, 2013 - 12:00pm
Join IPI and ITIF for a lunch briefing to untangle Internet tax policy.
April 10, 2013 - 12:00pm
Exploring the social and economic case for welcoming the arrival of autonomous vehicles and explaining how they will deliver a range of benefits.
April 11, 2013 - 9:00am
ITIF will host "The Need for Speed: A New Framework for Telecommunications Policy for the 21st Century" book launch.
June 13, 2013 - 10:00am
A debate between Andrew McAfee, principal research scientist at the Center for Digital Business in the MIT Sloan School of Management, and Rob Atkinson, President of ITIF.

Blogs & Op-eds

February 28, 2013 | Stephen Ezell
Congress doesn't want to hurt the next generation but slashing productive investments in the future will end up impoverishing future Americans more so.
February 26, 2013 | Robert D. Atkinson and Stephen Ezell
Limiting innovation slows growth and technological progress.
February 25, 2013 | Robert D. Atkinson
Europe and America need to realize the global nature of the innovation competitiveness challenge, wrote Rob Atkinson in this special op-ed of the Spring 2013 issue of "Europe's World."
February 21, 2013 | Clifton Yin
Renewed focus on battery innovation is what's needed for EV adoption.
February 21, 2013 | Matthew Stepp
Making EVs cost and perform like gas cars is a real barrier to EVs playing any role, big or small, in decarbonizing transportation.
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ITIF in the News

MIT Technology Review
The Christian Science Monitor
The Washington Post
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