What can the IPO do for you?


I’m sure you have some ideas, FA 30s!  Now’s your chance!  Tell us 5 things the Information Proponent Office can do for YOU. 


2 Comments on "What can the IPO do for you?"

  1. ipoadministrator May 24, 2012 at 6:53 pm ·

    Hi, studentx. Thanks for your comments. Re: where FA 30s are positioned around the military–what we have done at this point–we have a map posted on the IPO AKO site. Just click the AKO link on the IPO web page (http://usacac.army.mil/cac2/IPO/) and scroll to the bottom under “Personnel,” there you’ll find the FA 30 Authorizations Map. It lists all the FA 30 billets worldwide. As far as what’s filled and what’s not–that changes all the time–our personnel folks also choose not to announce that publicly for security reasons.
    As far as priority of fills–I guess you already know that operational units get the priority.
    And, as far as doctrine–we’re working as fast as we can! FM 3-13 is currently in final editing. Our tentative dates for the final electronic file is June, and for the hard copy version, September.
    And you asked what the proponent is doing–we’ve got all kinds of online resources for you! The Army Career Tracker at: https://actnow.army.mil; the IPO site on AKO (mentioned above) and the IPO Combined Arms Center site at http://usacac.army.mil/cac2/IPO/. We also send out periodic e-mails to the FA 30 community so–stay tuned!

  2. studentx May 17, 2012 at 5:58 pm ·

    - List of where FA30s are positioned around the military, what is filled and what is not filled.
    - Priority of fills for PCS moves, where is the current focus for placing FA30s. And don’t say deploying units.
    - Doctrine, Doctrine, Doctrine!!! There is too much ambiguity within the current IO/IIA definition. Publish something that is tangible and useful. This might help the rest of DoD as well.
    - Let us know what Proponent is doing for the FA30 community.

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