Property Accountability in CGSC curriculum

Written by ADMIN on January 14, 2011 in DLRO Force Management & Force Sustainment - No comments

With EXORD 259-10, dated 10 Jul 2010, the CSA initiated a campaign to improve property accountability in the Army . CASCOM is preparing to do a TRADOC-wide survey of Army school curriculum to assess the footprint of  property accountability and the Command Supply Discipline Program in curriculum.  Here is how property accountability maps to the CGSC curriculum:

SUBJECT:  Summary of CGSC Property Accountability Curriculum

1.    Purpose: To summarize CGSC curriculum content on Property Accountability

2.    Facts: As detailed below, management of property accountability is integrated into force management and force generation curriculum to all ILE students. Detailed instruction on property accountability is taught in various electives. Robust resources to plan and integrate property accountability are widely available. The 15 hour  AKO-hosted course “Property Accountability for Leaders in the COE”, available on the Army Learning Management System under “My Training” to all AKO account holders is outstanding. Property accountability is addressed in the following lessons in the CGSC school year:

a.    F107: ARFORGEN, ILE Common Core Curriculum. This 2 hour lesson is taught to all ILE students Army-wide in all venues, including resident students at Ft Leavenworth, satellite campuses, distance learning, and TASS battalions. Officers are taught the basics of ARFORGEN by phase and resource functional process, from the perspective of unit leaders and staff officers. Officers are familiarized with critical issues, planning tools and templates and will complete a draft unit readiness concept after reviewing a case study featuring lessons learned. Critical tasks, lessons learned and required coordination to maintain property accountability are included in the practical exercise.

 b.    O200: Force Generation. This 34 hour block of instruction in the Advanced Operations Course (AOC)  is taught annually to approximately 1500 operations career field officers attending Ft Leavenworth’s resident course. It is a  comprehensive practical exercise at the unit level to build ready units through all phases and process of ARFORGEN. It relies on lessons learned, current planning processes and templates and is supported by the college’s guest speaker program. Student deliverables include detailed annual readiness and training plans which include management of property accountability and related issues in all phases of ARFORGEN in-theater and at home station.

 c.    Curriculum support materials (all lessons, all venues). A 300 page Student Text (ST 525: Force Generation) includes readings, and reference lists that supports all force generation and force management curriculum in ILE Common Core and the AOC. The ST includes reference material on Property Accountability as part of ARFORGEN. In addition, the CGSS milBook community (AKO hosted, and CAC card accessible) includes mission essential information on the CSA Campaign on Property Accountability, and a resource repository for the Property Accountability lesson from A491, Logistics for Executive Officers. The milBook link for the Property Accountability resource page is:

 d.    A491: Logistics for Executive Officers elective. Estimated annual student load – approx 330 (broad mix of all branches). Property accountability is taught in a dedicated 2 hour block of instruction, in addition to being discussed throughout several other Supply based lessons.  Areas of study include the Types and Classification of Property, Types of Accountability, and PA automation, such as PBUSE and the S4′s Unit Supply Enhanced.  Additionally, Relief from Accountability, to include FLIPL’s are covered in depth.  Other related topics covered in the course include the Command Supply Discipline Program, the Command Inspection Program, Inventories.  Accountability of repair parts and budgeting. Students develop a counseling statement for the Battalion S4, which will include PA as an area of emphasis.  Several practical Exercises and Case Studies specifically address PA issues.  Students are also given numerous take-a ways (cheat sheets, AMC & DLA handbooks, Staff Officer Guides for the S1 & S4). 

 e.    A494: Brigade S4 Course elective. Estimated annual student load – approx 45. Property accountability is most heavily emphasized in two supply-focused lessons.  First, is a two hour lesson on the Command Supply Discipline Program that includes a discussion of PBUSE/USE, review of supply-related ALARACTS, the Army G4 Accountability Newsletter, and a wide range of details from key supply and physical security regulations.  A second supply-focused class discuses reliefs from accountability with an emphasis on FLIPLs and includes the role of the S4 in managing and reporting these activities.  Supply is also discussed in the Food Service Class (equipment accountability, financial management/security, pilferage of subsistence items), Material Readiness Review/Log Readiness Review class, Command Inspection Program (include IG and BCT staff assistance visits), and the Budget class (accounting for purchased goods). The CD provided to the students includes the G4 Property Accountability Newsletter(s), applicable CALL documents, course lesson material, and items of interest from BCKS (primarily SustainNet & Sustainment Knowledge Network).

 f.     A492: Support Operations Course elective. Estimated annual student Load: approx 200 (Sustainment officers).Property accountability of organizational property is not addressed in the Support Operations elective.  However, the course does address accountability of sustainment stocks at the BSB and CSSB level.  The course contains a 2 hour lesson on the SARSS managed supplies to include warehouse procedures and inventory requirements by type.  The course also addresses SARSS logic in reference to receipts, storage and issues of supplies.  


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