Highly recommend this training

Written by amtsteve on August 20, 2012 in Advanced Media Training - No comments
McCaskill PC1Y

 MAJ David McCaskill says:

Many of us are at a point in our careers where we feel comfortable enough and can speak intelligently about the routine things: our job, our unit’s mission, a specific operation, etc. But how comfortable are we or would we be managing a crisis situation while having to simultaneously deal with the media?

I attended the Advanced Media Training 26-27 June at the Redstone Satellite ILE Course. I highly recommend this training for anyone who may deal with the media in future assignments. This is a rare opportunity in which you get to perform three types of interviews (face-to-face interview, remote, and press conference) in a no-threat environment and receive objective feedback from your peers as well as trained professionals.

I signed up for the training weeks in advance of the training date. When the actual date came, a few of us were considering cancelling because the pace of the ILE course assignments was picking up. I am glad I attended. The event started with a 1½-hour classroom block of instruction and then moved to the production studio for the actual interviews. The training was very realistic and drove home the importance of quality preparation, quick thinking, and internalizing your command messages. I learned and gained more confidence with each successive interview. A few days after the course we received a DVD with our three interviews so we could critique ourselves.

As an AMEDD officer, I found this training extremely valuable. Over the past few years we have had to manage numerous crises. I feel confident if something occurs and I need to address the media, I am able to clearly articulate the facts, answer questions and leave a favorable impression of the Army in the eyes of the public.

I would stop short of making this training mandatory. Those that are interested will take it seriously and prepare. If a student is made to attend who truly doesn’t want the training, he or she will waste everyone’s time.

For those who are interested though, invest the four hours. You will not regret it.

MAJ David L McCaskill – ILE 12-002 – SG33A

Redstone Arsenal, Ala.


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