No more ‘avoiding the media’

Written by amtsteve on May 15, 2012 in Advanced Media Training - No comments
Wolfe PC1Y

MAJ Philip Wolfe says:

Before I completed Advanced Media Training, my methodology for dealing with the media was avoidance. I envisioned all reporters as hostile towards the Army. I thought their intent was to trap me in a difficult situation or use deceptive language in an effort to discredit me. I decided to take the training because running away from any media interaction is not an approach I want to sustain in the future.

The training began with a classroom portion in which we discussed how to prepare for and conduct an interview. We reviewed how to prepare and execute an interview. We then watched an interview and discussed the positive and negative points relative to the information we just learned. During the second (studio) portion of the class, we applied what we learned and conducting the interviews: a press conference, a personal interview, and a remote interview with instructors who posed as reporters.

The press conference was very similar to a briefing, not too difficult. But it was helpful to see my annoying tendencies later on the video that is provided after class. During the personal interview, I caught myself using military terminology that was misinterpreted by the reporter. I had to clarify my statements, which threw me off-track. The remote interview was a new experience for me, and the offered the largest learning curve. Sitting alone in a room and speaking into a camera, I made facial expressions that I would not normally make when talking to a person face-to-face. The audience was clearly able to see these expressions, and during the interview I was unaware that they were so distracting.

Overall, I’m glad I conducted the training, though watching myself on the video is a little painful. I now understand generally what to expect and how to prepare for these interviews. There may still be reporters out there who don’t like the military — but because of the training, I don’t take such a combative approach towards the media. I now understand how to convey the message that I want and how to prevent myself from misspeaking or going beyond my purview.

MAJ Philip Wolfe, ILE 12-02, Staff Group 1D


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