Essential Training

Written by amtsteve on May 9, 2012 in Advanced Media Training - No comments
Edit Carlile R1Y

MAJ David Carlile says:

When I first heard about Advanced Media Training, I was skeptical as to whether to take this course or not.  However, after having gone through the training, I must admit this is a must-take for all ILE students here at Ft. Leavenworth.

Up to this point in my career I have received minimal  guidance on how to deal with the media.  Most of the training that I have received has been in short 30-minute briefings that do not cover much about how to conduct or prepare for an interview.

The lessons taught during AMT are essential for all personnel.  We were taught different ways to prepare for an interview, techniques for actually conducting the interview, pitfalls to avoid, and how to weave in command messages.  As a student you go through three different types of interviews. Following each interview, the instructors and your peers provide feedback on how you did and where you could improve.  After completing the class, I definitely feel more comfortable with the thought of dealing with the media.

Every field-grade officer attending ILE should take this course.  It is well worth the time and effort!

MAJ David Carlile, ILE 12-02, Staff Group 3A


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