USGS - science for a changing world

Pacific Coastal & Marine Science Center

National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys

National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys (NAMSS)

The National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys (NAMSS) is a marine seismic reflection profile data archive consisting of data acquired by or contributed to U.S. Department of the Interior agencies. The USGS is committed to safekeeping this data on behalf of the academic community and the nation. These data are provided with free and open access. For more information, visit our About page.

Search and download data in NAMSS using an interactive Google™ Map, a KMZ file with Google™ Earth or HTML data tables by region, contributor or year. Click the link below for more details.

Search and Download Data

PLEASE NOTE: These data are usually provided in SEG-Y format; specialized software is required to view these data. The data are accompanied by sparse metadata: at a minimum shotpoint location information in flat text files. Most surveys also have associate metadata in the form of text reports and digital images (tiff) of analog side-labels showing acquisition and in some cases processing parameters. Some profiles are represented by digital images (tiff) of the reflection profile. The site attempts to include all metadata that were provided by the contributor.

FURTHER NOTE: While shotpoint location information is largely complete for all surveys, there may be gaps or erroneous locations and mismatches with the seismic traces. Not all datasets have been quality-controlled to ensure complete correlation between shotpoint locations and seismic profiles.

We request acknowledgement of the data provider and the USGS in all instances of publication or reference. We suggest using the following text:

The authors acknowledge (the data provider) and the U.S. Geological Survey for providing the seismic reflection data for the purpose of this research. For further information please visit:

NAMSS Overview Map
Overview map of surveys in NAMSS.

Trackline Maps of Surveys in NAMSS

Trackline Maps - View trackline maps of surveys in NAMSS by region.

Related Geophysical Archives

Marine Seismic Data Center - UT Austin Jackson School of Geoscience

Marine Geoscience Data Management System - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology - Data Management Center

National Geophysical Data Center - Marine Geology and Geophysics

For more information, contact Patrick Hart.

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Page Contact Information: PCMSC Web Team
Page Last Modified: 10 December 2012 (lzt)