Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS in Russia

Through PEPFAR, Russia received nearly $10.3 million in Fiscal Year (FY) 2004, approximately $14 million in FY 2005, approximately $13.9 million in FY 2006, $14.6 million in FY 2007, and $12.0 million in FY 2008 to support HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care programs. PEPFAR plans to provide $8.0 million in FY 2009.1

Progress achieved in Russia through direct PEPFAR support during FY 2009:2, 3

  • 4,500 individuals receiving antiretroviral treatment
  • 5,200 HIV-positive individuals who received care and support (including TB/HIV)
  • N/A orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) receiving support
  • 25 pregnant women receiving HIV counseling and testing services for prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT)
  • 300 HIV-positive pregnant women receiving antiretroviral prophylaxis for PMTCT
  • 16,000 individuals receiving counseling and testing (in settings other than PMTCT)
  • 3,600 individuals reached with community outreach HIV/AIDS prevention activities that promote abstinence and/or being faithful
  • 86,000 individuals reached with community outreach HIV/AIDS prevention activities that promote correct and consistent use of condoms and related interventions
  • 0 USG condoms shipped from calendar year 2004 through 2009

1 FY 2009 funding level is planned and is subject to change.

2 PEPFAR defines direct support as data that captures the number of individuals receiving prevention, care, and treatment services through service delivery sites or providers directly supported by U.S. Government (USG) interventions or activities at the point of service delivery. An intervention or activity is considered to be direct support if it can be associated with counts of uniquely identified individuals receiving prevention, care, or treatment services at a unique program or service delivery point benefiting from the intervention or activity. The indicators for this program area in effect in FY 2009, as well as the Next Generation Indicators currently in force for PEPFAR's second phase, may be found at

3 "N/A" means that the U.S. Government did not support programs. U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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