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Nebraska has a long and proud tradition of military service. Since our state's founding, our sons and daughters have served with valor in America's wars. I, like many Americans, know that our freedom depends on men and women who make serious sacrifices to preserve the American way of life. Some have made the ultimate sacrifice. They, like their comrades who came home, are an indelible part of our national history, and thus part of us all.

We have a duty to remember those who fell. But we have another, equally pressing duty: to support those who survived. The veterans of America's wars have earned the gratitude of our nation; in return, that nation must support and protect them, as they have protected us.

As a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I am working to ensure that those who have served our country receive the benefits, health care, and job opportunities they need to thrive.  I have introduced and cosponsored a number of bills that would help accomplish these goals. This includes cosponsoring legislation to help veterans cope with mental health challenges, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. I also chaired a committee field hearing at the VA hospital in Omaha, which helped to secure funding for a new facility that will give our veterans the comprehensive and compassionate care they deserve.

I was also pleased that, with my support, the Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act Conference Report. This bill contained several of my amendments aimed at helping our service members and veterans, including the Helping Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Return to Employment (HIRE) at Home Act.  Our men and women in uniform put themselves in harm's way protecting the freedoms and way of life we too often take for granted. They know their mission will not always be easy, but returning home shouldn't be hard. I believe my amendment will ease that transition by helping our veterans secure good jobs.

Serving on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee is an honor and a privilege. I look forward to continuing my work on behalf of our nation’s heroes.

Beyond my role on the committee, I have focused on issues specifically important to Nebraskans. This includes working to establish a national veterans’ cemetery in eastern Nebraska that will ensure veterans in the region get the recognition they deserve and the honor of a final resting place in a national veterans’ cemetery. In 2009, I cosponsored legislation to establish this cemetery, and the Veterans' Affairs Department has now purchased land for the cemetery in Sarpy County. I am pleased to see this project moving forward and will continue to monitor its progress.

I encourage all Nebraskans and all Americans to support our veterans and current servicemembers. There are many opportunities to do so. One such way, is to become involved with the Veterans History Project and record the remarkable stories of our veterans, so our nation can always remember their great sacrifices. Sending a thank you message to our troops deployed abroad also tells these brave men and women how much we appreciate their service.

Veterans Related Press Releases

December 2012
*Currently displaying the latest 3 records. Use the select boxes from the filter bar above to view more records.

Veterans Related News

November 2011
November 2010
*Currently displaying the latest 3 records. Use the select boxes from the filter bar above to view more records.