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Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP)

The Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP) is a centrally funded and administered program that provides transition and job assistance services on major installations. Services are available to transitioning Service Members, their spouses, and their Family members. Department of the Army civilians affected by reductions in force or who are retiring from Federal Service are eligible to receive ACAP services. ACAP has gone beyond the requirements of Public Law to ensure the highest quality in transition assistance.

James Hoffman the ACAP Director is also the ASEP partner representative that assists in facilitating The ASEP Partnership Alley Initiative.  ASEP partnership alley events are held throughout the year and highlight ASEP partners at local installation job fairs where the ACAP office and ACS ERPM manager have built solid relationships.  Spouses can search for local ASEP Partnership Alley events a

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