Air Force Culture and Language Center (AFCLC)


The AFCLC's Culture Department helps Airmen develop cross-cultural competence (3C) across the entire continuum of learning (education, training and experience). Educational efforts are guided by Air University's Quality Enhancement Plan, and training efforts are integrated into the Air Force's Expeditionary Skills program.

  1. Design, develop, deliver and coordinate relevant and cohesive curricula to improve students' knowledge, skills and attitudes required for cross-cultural competence.
  2. Identify, conduct, coordinate, sponsor, evaluate and publish research to expand and support cross-cultural competence.
  3. Coordinate the assessment of cross-cultural competence to evaluate, communicate and improve force development.
  4. Design, develop, coordinate and deliver professional development opportunities to enhance faculty and staff members' ability to integrate cross-cultural competence.
  5. Acquire, develop and make available to as many Airmen as possible a broad inventory of engaging, academically sound and useful learning resources.

Cross-cultural competence is the ability to quickly and accurately comprehend, then appropriately and effectively act, to achieve the desired effect in a culturally complex environment - without necessarily having prior exposure to a particular group, region or language.

Individual Airmen exert influence on overall mission success and institutional health. Doing so in a cross-cultural context entails the ability to negotiate, build relationships and communicate across cultural differences. Proficiency at these abilities entails certain knowledge. Aquiring this knowledge and performing these skills, in turn, is driven largely by positive attitudes. Finally, tailoring general knowledge and skills to particular contexts requires learning approaches.

Diversity, building partnerships are part of our Air Force culture. Here's a cool story about the first female loadmaster to train Afghan military members.
Air Force Senior Language Authority answers program questions
17th Air Force, which has also been known as Air Forces Africa, recently stood down and passed its mission to USAFE. AFCLC has Expeditionary Culture Field Guides on 10 countries in Africa.
Secretary of Defense stresses importance of language, region and cultural capabilities.
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