background image with a women reading a paper
Women reading paper
Press Rlease, Advisories, and Articles

US Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
blue lines
For the Media
SafeTravel first addressed the issue of battery safety for airline passengers, going beyond regulation, to bring plain-language safety tips to the flying public. Recently, SafeTravel has expanded to provide safety tips for the carriage of other materials and items as well. SafeTravel's purpose is to help passengers to help us all, by taking a few basic precautions that enhance the safety of the entire transportation system.
Below you will find printable outreach materials to help spread the SafeTravel message. We have made available print-quality SafeTravel emblems, printable outreach materials, and screen-resolution SafeTravel banners for use in linking to SafeTravel from other sites. We encourage third parties to place these banner links on their own sites, with a link to
The column at left links to a variety of press releases, advisories, and articles, for use as background or to reprint in media outlets.
Finally, the display ads below were produced with magazine placement in mind. They are available for print media use to promote the SafeTravel message.
By promoting SafeTravel, companies in the travel, manufacuring, and retail industries, as well as those in the media, tell their customers they care about public safety and the wellfare of the traveling public.
Printable Safe Travel Emblems Safe Travel Web Banners Printable SafeTravel Outreach Materials SafeTravel Drop in Ads