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  • U.S Peace Corps.(Photo Credits: State Dept)

    Peace Corp volunteers pose with U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission Bryan Hunt after their swearing-in ceremony in Port Vila.

  • AMA Asia-Pacific Tours. (Photo Credits: State Dept)

    All set for the Asia-Pacific Tour, Cathy Fink (Left), Marcy Marxer (center) and Barbara Lamb (Right) are renowned for their vocal harmonies that captivate audiences at every concert.

  • SUSI(Photo Credits: State Dept)

    Study of the U.S. Institutes: Request for Statements of Interest

  • Amb North & G-G.(Photo Credits: State Dept)

    Ambassador North and Governor General Grand Chief Sir Michael Ogio at the Credentials Ceremony on December 4, 2012.

  • World AIDS Day.(Photo Credits: State Dept)

    U.S. Ambassador Designate to Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu Walter North (Center) with staff of the Embassy in red pose for a photo on World Aids Day.

News From the Embassy Port Moresby