Congressman Jared Huffman

Representing the 2nd District of California

Congressional Issues


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More on Congressional Issues

Feb 13, 2013

WASHINGTON---Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) responded tonight to President Obama’s State of the Union address, calling it “a strong forward agenda for our country, with solutions that are broadly supported by the American people.”

Feb 11, 2013

WASHINGTON---Congressman Jared Huffman (D, San Rafael) has added his name to the membership rolls of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus.  The forty member group is committed to “fixing, not fighting”.

Feb 8, 2013

WASHINGTON----Congressman Jared Huffman issued this statement in response to the US Postal Service’s announcement that Saturday deliveries would be terminated effective August, 2013, in a cost-cutting effort:

Jan 30, 2013

New Congressman Jared Huffman is playing to his strengths in Washington, earning appointments to two House of Representatives committees that mirror the responsibilities he had during his time with the California Assembly.

Jan 30, 2013

Jared Huffman, the newly elected Democratic member of the House of Representatives representing the newly created 2nd District, expects efforts to find a resolution to the "fiscal cliff" and related economic issues to dominate the first weeks, or perhaps even months, of his first term.

Jan 11, 2013


WASHINGTON– Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) announced today that his office has tickets for President Barack Obama’s Inauguration that are being made available to constituents in the 2nd Congressional District through a limited-time lottery this weekend.  The Inaugural Ceremonies will be held in Washington, D.C. on January 21.

“I’m looking forward to the 57th Presidential Inaugural Swearing-In Ceremonies and I’m excited to be able to invite my constituents to join me for this historic event,” said Huffman. 

Jan 9, 2013

WASHINGTON, DC----Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) announced today that he has been appointed to two key committees in the 113th Congress: the House Committee on Natural Resources and the House Budget Committee,  whose jurisdictions mirror Huffman’s earlier state Assembly committee assignments.   The Steering Committee of the House Democratic Caucus notified Huffman of his appointment to the House Committee on Natural Resources in December and to the House Budget Committee last week.

Jan 3, 2013

When a Member of Congress is given time to formally express an opinion or make a statement on an issue before the House, they are said to have the 'floor' of the House, and their views are referred to as a 'Floor Speech'.

How House Members are allotted time to speak, or sometimes observe silence, are adapted from rules of order originally written by Thomas Jefferson. The speeches and other proceedings of the House are published daily in the Congressional Record.

Jan 3, 2013
Jan 3, 2013

Editorials historically came about as a means to let the average person know the opinions of the editors and publishers of newspapers and magazines.

Eventually editors realized that added interest in their newspapers and magazines could be sparked by allowing readers to express their opinions on the page opposite the editorial, and the modern op-ed was invented. Today 'editorial' and 'op-ed' are often used interchangeably to refer to any written piece expressing an opinion on the issues of the day, whether in a magazine, a newspaper, or a website.