Congressman Joaquin Castro

Representing the 20th District of Texas
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National Security

For more information concerning my work and views on National Security issues, please contact me.

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More on National Security

Feb 1, 2013

San Antonio, TX — Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro released this statement as Hillary Rodham Clinton stepped down from her post as Secretary of State and John Kerry became the head of the Department:

Jan 25, 2013

Washington, D.C— Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro released this statement following the decision by the Department of Defense to lift the ban on women serving in combat:

“The decision by the Department of Defense to include women in combat positions is welcomed and long overdue. Service to our country should not be dependent on gender. I commend our military for the steps it has taken over the past few years to be reflective of our society and I will continue to advocate for our American troops in Texas and across the globe.” 

Jan 23, 2013

Washington, D.C.— Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro released this statement following the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s hearing on the Benghazi terror attack: