Congresswoman Cheri Bustos

Representing the 17th District of Illinois
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Fiscal Responsibility

Protecting Hardworking Taxpayers and Getting Our Fiscal House in Order

The current budget deficit, created by generations of lawmakers in Washington, is a serious problem that did not get created overnight and will not get solved overnight either.  But by working together, we can take commonsense steps that move our country in the right direction.

Like so many across our district, I learned at a young age that balancing the family pocketbook and living within our means is a question of values.  I believe that what we cannot do is balance the federal budget on the backs of middle class families, seniors, students and veterans while cutting taxes for big oil companies, corporations that ship our jobs overseas and millionaires and billionaires on Wall Street.

What we can, and should do, is start by rooting out instances of government waste, fraud and abuse.  The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office reports issued in 2011 and 2012 found widespread waste and inefficiency in federal programs.  For example, the federal government has 47 job training programs, 44 of which overlap.  Consolidating these programs that overlap can save us tens of billions of dollars.  Federal agencies need to be made more efficient, so we can reduce spending without reducing the many important benefits people receive from these programs.

That’s why as my first piece of legislation, I introduced the Government Waste Reduction Act, a common sense bill that would reduce duplicative services and root out waste in government, while preserving crucial services and programs.  The bill moves forward on recommendations the GAO made and that would reduce duplication in government, save taxpayer money and enhance revenue.

Other policies I support include:

  • Lowering healthcare costs, which are a part of the fiscal problem that need to be addressed.  We should start by letting Medicare negotiate for lower drug prices.
  • Ending tax loopholes for companies that ship jobs overseas.
  • Eliminating corporate handouts like special tax breaks for oil companies.

More on Fiscal Responsibility

Feb 15, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) called on Speaker John Boehner to keep the House in session until a deal is reached to avoid sequestration.  With the House set to recess today for a full week, Bustos along with 20 other members warned that the imminent across the board cuts, which are set to kick-in on March 1, would have a negative impact on the economy and would lead to job losses.  They urged the House to stay in town and work on a deal.

Feb 15, 2013

Chicago TribuneIt is very unusual to see “common sense” and “Congress” in the same sentence. Yet the announcement from freshman Congresswoman Cheri Bustos, D-Ill., might just be exactly that. In introducing her first bill, she has taken a step to bring rational thought to reduce the budget deficit.

Feb 6, 2013
Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (IL-17) introduced the Government Waste Reduction Act, a common sense bill that would reduce duplicative services and root out waste in government, while preserving crucial services and programs.