About Us

The Afghanistan Investment and Reconstruction Task Force (Task Force) of the U.S. Department of Commerce facilitates and coordinates the Department’s activities that are designed to help Afghanistan develop a sustainable economy.  The Task Force works closely with the Department’s Commercial Law Development Program and our Commercial Office in Kabul. Our efforts focus on helping Afghanistan develop:

  • A commercial legal environment that supports trade, investment and private sector-led growth. We have conducted business contracting training, providing advice on Arbitration and are creating a commercial legal initiative with American University in Kabul.
  • A more capable and competitive private sector. For example we are creating a Marble Center of Excellence and are providing sector specific training and consulting.
  • Stronger U.S.-Afghan commercial ties. We provide information and support for U.S. firms interested in doing business in Afghanistan, provide matchmaking and counseling for U.S. and Afghan firms, and facilitate business missions to Afghanistan including a group of U.S. franchisors who are visiting Kabul this week A more capable and competitive private sector.  For example, we are creating a Marble Center of Excellence and are providing sector specific training and consulting.

Susan Hamrock Mann is the Director of the Afghanistan Investment and Reconstruction Task Force.

For business counseling on opportunities in Afghanistan, please call (202) 482-1812 or 1-800-USA-TRAD(E) and press 2, or e-mail questions to AfghanInfo@trade.gov.

For information on the Afghan Rug, Textiles, and Handicrafts Sectors, please contact Emma Robinson at (202) 482-3031 or Emma.Robinson@trade.gov.

For information on the Agribusiness: Dried Fruits and Nuts Sector, please contact Emma Robinson at (202) 482-3031 or Emma.Robinson@trade.gov.

For Information on the Finance or Construction Sector, please contact Linda Le at (202) 482-4976 or at Linda.Le@trade.gov.

U.S. companies interested in occasional information about business opportunities, events, and tenders in Afghanistan can sign up to receive Afghan Alerts from our office.

For press inquiries, please call the Office of Public Affairs, International Trade Administration, at (202) 482-3809.

Last Updated: 12/5/12 2:59 PM