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John Lee Hooker Jr. Brings the Blues to Algiers (Blues Music, that is!)

August 01, 2012
John Lee Hooker Jr. Brings the Blues to Algiers (Blues Music, that is!) (US Embassy Photo)

John Lee Hooker Jr. Brings the Blues to Algiers (Blues Music, that is!) (US Embassy Photo)

The US Embassy and the Algerian Ministry of Culture invited John Lee Hooker Jr. to take part in celebrations marking Algeria’s 50th anniversary of independence.  Hooker, Jr. is the son of late legendary blues singer John Lee Hooker and a two time Grammy nominee in his own right.  While in Algiers, he and his band performed in a concert open to the public, and more than 650 people took advantage of the opportunity to hear his brand of contemporary American blues music at the “Salle Ibn Zeydoune” at the Martyrs Monument in Algiers.  During his visit, he gave numerous interviews for Algerian television, radio, and newspapers and posed for countless photos with newfound blues fans.