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Event Ticker 2012

+++ Latest Events +++ Latest Events +++

  • +++ August 28, Teacher Training on Elections +++
    The teacher training institute of Hamburg organized in cooperation with ConGen Hamburg a teacher training with 40 teachers and over 80 students for 15 different schools. 
    The training included presentations and workshops, a Town Hall Meeting with Consul General Inmi Patterson and an introduction to Mission Germany's Election 2012 School project.

    +++ August, 12, U.S. Perspectives featured prominently in Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance +++
    On August 12 the Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance, a cooperation of the Zeit and Heinz Nixdorf foundations, started its two-week program in Hamburg.   The overall aim of the Bucerius Summer School is to foster leadership qualities in young professionals by involving them in an international dialogue on current political, economic, social and juridical questions.  This year’s topic of the program is “Crisis of Global and Regional Governance : Toward a G-Zero World?” .  The U.S. Consulate General Hamburg supported the participation of five U.S. speakers, John Ruggie, UN special representative for business and human rights, Michael Ettlinger of the Center for American Progress, Charles Kupchan of the Council of Foreign Relations, Richard Matthew of the University of California, and Rachel Reid of the Regional Policy Initiative. 

    +++ August, 7 & 10, MeetUS Program at Hamburg's Hansakolleg +++
    The Consulate organized a MeetUS program of an American to the Hansakolleg in Hamburg. He talked to a group of 50 students about the upcoming elections as well as diversity and ethnicity.

    +++ August 1, Hoisting the Rainbow Flag +++
    The rainbow flag was hoisted twice that day in Hamburg. First, Consul General Patterson joined the ceremony at Hamburg's Town Hall. Afterwards, the flag was hoisted in front of the Consulate.

    +++ July 31, U.S. Soccer Girls in Hamburg +++
    Two state teams from Iowa and Nebraska visited Hamburg to play Hamburg's U15 and U17 girls soccer teams. Consul General Patterson welcomed the players and stressed the importance of sports for mutual understanding.

    +++ July 28, Opening of Hamburg Pride Week +++
    As patron of the Pride Week, Consul General Patterson gave a speech at the opening gala. After announcing that the Consulate would fly the rainbow flag, she got standing ovations from the audience.

    +++ July 26, LBGT Reception at Hamburg SPD Caucus +++
    Consul General Patterson spoke at the reception of the Hamburg SPD caucus about the LGBT activities of the Obama adminstration in recent years.

    +++ July 16-17,  Tricia Rose at Hamburgs HipHop Academy +++
    Renowned author and professor Tricia Rose from Brown University held two lectures on the social context and sexism in HipHop.

    +++ July 8, German-American Day in Celle, Lower Saxony +++

    Consul General Patterson visited the city of Celle and spoke at the German-American Day about the importance of the transatlantic friendship.

    +++ July 5, Different views on Media law in the U.S. and Europe +++
    Law expert Rosalind Lichter discussed the differences product placement and branded entertainment in the U.S. and in Europa with local law experts.

    +++ July 4, Independence Day Celebration at the Consulate +++
    More than 700 guests joined the team of the Consulate to celebrate the 236th Independence Day.

    +++ July 4, Reception at BallinStadt +++
    Consul General Patterson spoke at the 5th anniversary of the opening of the emigration museum BallinStadt about the strong and long lasting American-German friendship.

    +++ July 3, Chicago Youth Soccer team in Hamburg +++
    Hamburg's sister city Chicago and the Hamburg Soccer Association organized a two week exchange program for 20 youths from Chicago to visit Hamburg. A return visit of 20 youths from Hamburg is planned for October. Consul General Patterson welcomed the players at the Town Hall and stressed the unique chance they were given to get to know a different culture.

    +++ June 25 to 27, Restoring America: The U.S. facing the 2012 Presidential Election +++
    The Consulate supported a three day conference for high school students and teachers hosted by the Protestant Youth Academy in Loccum in cooperation with the Amerikazentrum Hamburg.  Over 80 students participated in workshops and lectures on the U.S. elections, preparing themselves for a simulation of the U.S. election process run by Planpolitik from Berlin.
    +++ June 21 and 22, Learning through Improvisation +++
    Two instructors from MIMA Music, a Brooklyn based nonprofit organisation, visited Hamburg and taught two groups of youths the idea of using improvisation with elements of music and dance to improve their personalities.

    +++ June 21, A Talk with the Jusos on the Elections +++
    Members of Hamburg's youth section of the SPD visited the Consulate to meet with Consul General Inmi Patterson and discuss the upcoming presidential elections .

    +++ June 19, A Different View on the Elections +++
    Consul General Inmi Patterson visitied the Rotary Club Bergedorf to speak about the elections. She focused on the great variety of topics that need to be considered to understand American voting behaviour.

    +++ June 6 and June 12, Lecture on "Two Visions on Democracy" +++
    Prof. Richard Parker gave two lectures at the Universities of Kiel and Lueneburg on the different views of democracy of the Republicans and the Democrats.

    +++ June 7, Transatlantic Approaches to Geostrategic Competition over Natural Resources +++
    In cooperation with the Herz Foundation, the Consulate General hosted a round table discussion with presentation of Prof. Karen Smith-Stegen and Prof. Corey Johnson on their views on the geopolitical developments on the distribution of natural resources.

    +++ June 2 to August 16, "Seducing Time" - An Exhibition in Bremen +++
    Lynn Hershmann Leeson, an American digital artist, was awared the Digital Art Award 2010/11. To honor her works, the Kunsthalle Bremen presents her works in an exhibition this summer.

    +++ May 30th, Hamburg International Short Film Festival 2012 with focus on America +++
    "America" was the focus of this year's International Short Film Festival in Hamburg. More than 40 films by Americans or on America were shown during the festival week. 

    +++ May 29th, Celebrating German-American Higher Education +++
    Ambassador Murphy took part in the 275th anniversary celebrations of the George August University Göttingen. King George II of England originally founded the University of Göttingen in 1734, as well as the universities which would later become Princeton University and Columbia University.

    +++ May 22, The Case against Judicial Premacy +++
    It was a lively discussion that followed the presentation of Dr. Louis Fisher. He is a renowned expert on American constutitional law and talked to an audience invited by the Hamburg chapter ofthe German American Lawyer's Assoctiation.

    +++ May 21, New York Photography at its best +++
    The Consulate supported an exhibition on New York Photography 1890-1950 at the Bucerius Kunstforum in Hamburg.
    The exhibition includes photos of Stieglitz, Streichen, Kasebier, and Man Ray.

    +++ May 17, International Day against Homophobia +++
    More than 800 people took part at the Rainbowflash at the Hamburg town hall plaza. They expressed their support for LGBT rights and Consul Wilbur A. Velarde expressed in his speech the strong support of the U.S. government to protect the rights of the LGBT people all around the world.

    +++ May 14, Consul General Patterson at the former inner German border +++
    Visiting the former border between East and West Germany was a very impressive experience for Consul General Patterson. She went to Helmstedt and learned about the difficulties the city had experienced over the past 60 years. At a Town Hall Meeting at a local school, she stressed the importance of a good transatlantic relationship.

    +++ May 11, Ambassador Murphy visits HipHop Academy +++
    Ambassador Murphy and Consul General Patterson did a tour of the HipHop Academy, and Ambassador Murphy held a very musical Town Hall Meeting.

    +++ May 8, Town Hall Meeting at University of Göttingen +++
    Consul General Inmi K. Patterson visited the University of Göttingen. At the historic library she was shown original documents related to U.S. history. She met with officials of the university and held a Town Hall Meeting with students of American Studies.

    +++ April 25-26, Consul General visits Flensburg +++
    Going up north to Flensburg, Consul General Inmi K. Patterson met with representatives of the German Navy, Chamber of Commerce, local politicians, academics and the northernmost Jewish community of Germany.

    +++ April 23, Ambassador visits Hanover Fair +++
    The world's largest industrial fair took place again in Hanover. Here, Ambassador Murphy visited pavillions of U.S. companies and gave remarks at the "Global Business and Markets Forum".

    +++ April 16, Conversation Between Generations +++
    Elisabeth Rosner presented her book "The Speed of Light" and engaged in a conversation with her father, the Hamburg born Carl Heinz Rosner who survived the KZ Buchenwald.
    The event was supported by the Consulate in cooperation with the American Studies Department of the University Hamburg and the Amerikazentrum.

    +++ March 27, MeetUS at Vocational College in Wismar +++ 
    The Consulate organized a MeetUS program of an American Fulbright teaching assistant to the vocational college in Wismar. He talked to about 50 students studying business administration and metal construction, aged 19-22, about his personal school experiences, the American Dream, and everyday life as an American.

    +++ March 26, Climate Change Solutions on film +++
    Peter Byck, director and producer of the film "Carbon Nation", presented his film to a group of students at the Gymnasium Kirchdorf in Wilhelmsburg and to a 50-member (It says about 60 member in the article above…) audience at the Jacobs University in Bremen.

    +++ March 21, Deputy Chief of Mission opens Amerikazentrum in Hamburg +++
    Greg Delawie, Deputy Chief of Mission, officially opened the Amerikazentrum at its new home in the Hafencity.

    +++ March 16, Teacher Trainig in Rostock +++
    About 35 teachers learned about the U.S. Embassy's election school project, the Tea Party movement, and the function of political cartoonists in American society and politics.

    +++ March 15, Students from Helmut Schmidt University discuss Republican Primaries +++
    The primaries, the election process, and the differences between German and American elections were the topics of a group of students from Helmut Schmidt University during a talk with Consul General Patterson.

    +++ March 15, MeetUS at Cuxhaven +++
    6 different school classes enjoyed conversations with three Americans on the elections and how the U.S. and Germany differ in everyday life.

    +++ March 8, General (ret.) Abizaid speaking on the Middle East +++
    General (ret.) John P. Abizaid visited Hamburg and gave a presentation at the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College before an audience of 250 people.

    +++ Feb 29, Teacher Training on Election Project +++
    More than 30 teachers took part in training seminar at the Amerikazentrum Hamburg on the upcoming U.S. Election project of the U.S. Embassy and the use of social media in political campaigns . 

    +++ Feb 17, 50 students Meet US at the consulate +++
    A group of students came all the way from Schoenkirchen near Kiel to the Consulate to talk to Americans and learn about the upcoming elections

    +++ Feb 17, Zip Car Co-Founder on E-Mobility +++
    Robin Chase, co-founder of the car sharing company Zip Car, took part in a discussion on e-mobility at the "checkdisout" city talks.

    +++ Feb 14, Keynote at Hamburg Social Media Week +++
    Ben Scott, Advisor for Innovation to Secretary Hillary Clinton, held the keynote speech at the Social Media Week on "21st Century Statecraft"

    +++ Feb 14, Political Activism And Civil Rights +++
    The Consulate General supported a roundtable discussion on the impact of the civil rights movement on university programs and cultural institutions.

    +++ Feb 8, Consul General at Anglo-German Club +++
    Consul General Patterson spoke at the Anglo-German Club about the 2012 U.S. elections and the transatlantic relations. 

    +++ Feb 8, Heather Conley speaks to junior executives +++
    Heather Conley, director and senior fellow of the Europe Program at the Center of Strategic and International Studies in Washington, spoke about the Euro crisis and transatlantic relations to junior executives of the Hamburg state government 

    +++ Jan 31, MeetUS at the consulate +++
    A group of 50 students from Neustrelitz visited the Consulate to meet Americans and talk to them about American High School life.

    +++ Jan 26, Ambassador Murphy visits minister-president Sellering at Schwerin +++
    After having held a town hall meeting at Schwerin, Ambassador Murphy met with Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Minister-President Eerwin Sellering.

    +++ Jan 23-24, Consul General Patterson visits Mecklenburg-Vorpommern +++
    On a two day trip to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Consul General Patterson met with a number of student groups, visited local companies and the cities of Parchim, Dömitz, and Lübz.

    +++ Jan 17, New Years Reception of American Chamber of Commerce +++
    To ring in the New Year, the American Chamber of Commerce held its New Years Reception at the Consulate in mid-January. One of the speakers was the Minister Counselor for Economics Affairs, Seth Winnick.

    +++ Jan 10, Washington Insider Connects to Local Media +++
    Tim Grieve, editor-in-chief of Politico Pro, visited with local journalists to share his views on the upcoming U.S. elections.

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