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You can get started and add content to this page by clicking Edit at the top of this page, or you can learn more about wiki sites by clicking How to use this wiki site in the Quick Launch.

What is a wiki site?

Wikiwiki means quick in Hawaiian. A wiki site is a Web site in which users can easily edit any page. The site grows organically by linking existing pages together or by creating links to new pages. If a user finds a link to an uncreated page, he or she can follow the link and create the page.

In business environments, a wiki site provides a low-maintenance way to record knowledge. Information that is usually traded in e-mail messages, gleaned from hallway conversations, or written on paper can instead be recorded in a wiki site, in context with similar knowledge.

Other example uses of wiki sites include brainstorming ideas, collaborating on designs, creating an instruction guide, gathering data from the field, tracking call center knowledge, and building an encyclopedia of knowledge.
Last modified at 1/16/2010 7:35 PM by zMani Jagadeesan

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