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The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) is building this pilot website with a view to improving the collaborative capabilities offered to transportation researchers and other related stakeholders both inside and outside DOT. The initial phase of this effort will focus on improving collaboration among the four (4) regional networks comprising the National Transportation Knowledge Network, approximately sixty (60) University Transportation Centers (UTCs), and the collaborative work of Position Navigation and Timing. Other transportation research topics entities will be added as the site develops into a full-fledged venue for transportation research collaboration.

Transportation Research Clusters

Each year, the Department of Transportation (DOT) spends $1.2B to fund DOT staffers and other researchers across the nation to explore topics important to the nation’s transportation system. RITA’s mission is to ensure the coordination and collaboration of those DOT funded research pursuits and has been working among researchers both inside and outside of DOT to foster development of linkages between them to leverage knowledge and resources.
On behalf of DOT researchers, RITA created a social media site organized into 14 thematic research areas, otherwise known as research clusters, to allow researchers to better share their work through long-distance collaboration and the electronic sharing of information and ideas. You are invited to freely peruse these research clusters or join them if you have research to share, questions to ask or a dialogue you’d like to start.

National Transportation Library (NTL)

The National Transportation of Library of RITA provides leadership and coordination in the development of regional and topical transportation knowledge networks. The National Transportation Library site provides a platform for regional libraries to exchange information, share resources, and enhance collaboration. The site is accessible via the top navigation bar.

Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT)

DOT has been designated the lead civil agency for Positioning, Navigation, and Timing matters. Within DOT, RITA is the lead administration, carrying out this work through the DOT Extended Pos/Nav Working Group and Executive Committee. The RITA External SharePoint site, currently under development, will support this collaboration. More information on the RITA PNT program is available at

Research Program and Project Management (RPPM) has created a Research Program and Program Management (RPPM) site that allows the transportation research community to share information and collaborate on common issues (registration required).

 National Transportation Library
 UTC Performance
Transportation Research Wiki Research Discussion Links
 Transportation Research Wikis
 How to Use This Wiki Site
 Useful Collaboration Tools and Techniques Guide
 About Using Transportation Wiki
 Frequently Asked Question


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 Research and Innovative Technology Administration
 National Transportation Library
 University Transportation Centers
 Positioning Navigation and Timing
Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington DC, 20590

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