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Transportation Research > DOT Research Clusters > Energy Sustainability

Energy Sustainability Research Cluster 

This cluster supports activities to develop and deploy next generation fuels, as well as promote conservation and other innovations 

If you would like to participate in this cluster by posting your research and commenting on the work of others, please click here to register.

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Energy Sustainability
People Sharing Research Activities, Publications, and Products

Announcements: Share and View the Latest News

Renewable Fuel Standard: Potential Economic and Environmental Effects of U.S. Biofuel Policy. 
by Matthew KleinNo presence information
 10/11/2011 1:00 PM

New Publication from the National Academies:

In the United States, we have come to depend upon plentiful and inexpensive energy to support our economy and lifestyles. In recent years, many questions have...

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Shared Documents: Upload, Create and View Files

Folder: Training for Drivers and Inspectors of Commercial Motor Vehicles Using HydrogenTraining for Drivers and Inspectors of Commercial Motor Vehicles Using HydrogenNo presence informationQuon Kwan
ETHITask2FinalReportDecember2010_v6(2).pdfETHITask2FinalReportDecember2010_v6(2)No presence informationpatrick centolanzi
EastTennesseeHydrogenInitiativeChattanooga.pdfEastTennesseeHydrogenInitiativeChattanoogaNo presence informationpatrick centolanzi
Progress Report on Development of Instructional Design Guides for Training Drivers and Inspectors of CMVs Using H2.docProgress Report on Development of Instructional Design Guides for Training Drivers and Inspectors of CMVs Using H2No presence informationQuon Kwan
Guidelines-H2-Fuel-in-CMVs-Nov2007.pdfGuidelines-H2-Fuel-in-CMVs-Nov2007No presence informationQuon Kwan
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Discussion Board: Post your Questions and Answers

No presence informationDavid KuehnReply Reply0
No presence informationMJ FioccoReply Reply0

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Useful Links: Share Your Favorite Sites

 Transportation Research Project & Program Management Community
 DOT Transportation & Climate Change Clearinghouse
 Transportation Research Board
 Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI)
 FAA Environment & Energy Research
 US Environmental Protection Agency
 US Department of Energy
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