 Welcome to AmCham Belgium

AmCham Belgium is a membership-led and -funded organization and the undisputed leader in providing business advocacy for doing business in Belgium. With its lobbying efforts and numerous conferences, publications and studies, we invite you to discover how we can play a pivotal role for your business in Belgium.

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AmCham Connect October 2012


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Janssen Pharmaceutica opens new European distribution center in La Louvière

October 08, 2012

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Vlerick New
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Belgium textbook example of debt reduction

October 08, 2012

In the most recent World Economic Outlook, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) praises Belgium for its debt reduction efforts between 1993 and 2007, during which time public debt was brought down from 134% to 84% of GDP . No other country can claim such a strong track record.    

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CEO Lunch with Luc Coene, Governor of the National Bank of Belgium

CEOs of AmCham member companies were invited for an exclusive lunch with Luc Coene, Governor of the National Bank of Belgium (NBB), on September 27 at the Hotel of the NBB. It was an excellent opportunity to network in an elegant setting. Governor Coene spoke about Belgium competitivness with regard to foreign investment.

Luc Coene

More pictures on our Facebook page.

2012 Priorities for a Prosperous Belgium: Stability, the foundation for growth

Amidst a deepening European debt crisis and sluggish growth of 0.3%, AmCham Belgium publishes an annual list of recommendations to increase the competitiveness of the Belgian economy, the 2012 Priorities for a Prosperous Belgium. This year, the key priority is to make the Belgian labor market more competitive.

To learn more about AmCham Belgium’s 2012 Priorities for a Prosperous Belgium, please click here or go straight to the PDF-version by clicking on the picture below.



AmCham Belgium thanks its 2012 Diamond Sponsors:

 Our 2012 Diamond Sponsors

We would also like to thank our 2012 Gold Sponsors:
3M • Accenture • AWEX • The Boston Consulting Group • Baxter • Center for Creative Leadership • Cisco Systems • DHL Global Forwarding • Donaldson • Du Pont de Nemours • Eli Lilly • Ernst & Young • ExxonMobil • Flanders Investment & Trade • Metropole Hotel • St John's International School • Steptoe & Johnson
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