Kerry Statement on Outcome of ITU Negotiations

For Immediate Release: Friday, December 14, 2012

WASHINGTON – Senator John Kerry today issued the following statement on the outcome of negotiations that took place during the recent meeting of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

 “The result of this week’s ITU negotiations sends the wrong message about government’s role in Internet governance. Rather than a discussion of government controls, we should be finding ways to expand access to this powerful and democratic tool.  A more active government role in international Internet governance would be a mistake, as the delegations of many governments—led by the United States—made clear.  The Internet is an open and inclusive network by design, and should remain an endless resource of information and free expression. To suggest altering the current stakeholder-led, voluntary structure risks opening the door to restrictions that could limit the freedom of expression and change the underlying principles that have given us the Internet as we know it. The discussion this week should have focused on proven strategies to expand access to communications and free expression across the globe – not on a centralized power grab of this international network of networks. The United States Congress has been clear on this issue: keep the government out of the global management of the Internet and preserve the successful multi-stakeholder model.”

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