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The U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong has been in existence since 1843. It began with a single Consul General who conducted business from his residence. From the early 1920's the Consulate General offices were housed at 9 Ice House Street; later they were moved to the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank building. The Consulate General moved to the present location on 26 Garden Road in the late 1950's.

Source: Know Your Consulate: A Guide for U.S. Citizens in Hong Kong

Consuls General of U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong Since 1949

09-49 - 08/50: Karl L. Rankin
11/50 - 06/52: Walter P. McConaughy
07/52 - 12/54: Julian F. Harrington
12/54 - 03/58: Everett F. Drumright
03/58 - 03/59: James Pilcher
03/59 - 08/59: John M. Steeves
09/59 - 03/61: Julius C. Holmes
04/61 - 10/61: Sam P. Gilstrap
11/61 - 08/63: Marshall Green
02/64 - 09/67: Edward E. Rice
10/67 - 07/70: Edwin W. Martin
08/70 - 03/74: David L. Osborn
03/74 - 09/77: Charles T. Cross
10/77 - 10/81: Thomas P. Shoesmith
02/82 - 07/86: Burton Levin
07/86 - 06/90: Donald M. Anderson
06/90 - 06/93: Richard L. Williams
06/93 - 07/96: Richard W. Mueller
08/96 - 07/99: Richard A. Boucher
08/99 - 07/02: Michael Klosson
08/02 - 04/05: James R. Keith
05/05 - 07/08: James B. Cunningham
08/08 - 07/09: Joseph R. Donovan Jr.