About the Committee

Full Committee Photo

Pictured above are Senate Finance Committee Members from the 112th Congress.

(Standing: Charles E. Schumer, Olympia J. Snowe, Maria Cantwell, Robert Menendez, Benjamin L. Cardin, Debbie Stabenow, John F. Kerry, Pat Roberts, John Thune, Michael B. Enzi, Ron Wyden, Richard Burr, John Cornyn, Kent Conrad, Jeff Bingaman, Mike Crapo, Thomas R. Carper, Jon Kyl; Seated:  John D. Rockefeller, IV, Chairman Max Baucus, Ranking Member Orrin G. Hatch, Chuck Grassley; Not Present: Bill Nelson, Tom Coburn

Committee Leadership

Senator Max Baucus

Max Baucus

A fifth-generation Montanan, Max Baucus is working to cut taxes for hard-working Americans, improve our health care system, protect Social Security and Medicare and open new markets for trade.

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Senator Orrin Hatch

Ranking Member
Orrin G. Hatch

This is “America’s Priorities” Committee. Overseeing over 50% of the federal budget, Orrin Hatch is fighting to lower taxes, strengthen Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, and open markets to American products.

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