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DJ/MC Dynamax: First American Hip hop artist to visit Congo Brazzavillle

November 15-22, 2010
Dynamax at CCF (State Dept.)

Dynamax at CCF

Dynamax on stage with DJ/MC Boogie Black (State Dept.)

Dynamax on stage with DJ/MC Boogie Black

Upon arrival, Dynamax hosted 2 two-day workshop with 40 local DJs, MCs and break dancers where he discussed the history of the origins of hip hop culture, shared best practices from his long career, and gave participants an insider’s look of the music business.

Dynamax featured with local groups to offer two major performances in Brazzaville. The first concert was held at French cultural center on November 20, 2010 with approximately 350 people in attendance. Dynamax gave an open-air concert at the Pierre Savorgnan De Brazza memorial which attracted over 800 individuals.