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Embassy Observes World AIDS Day
Ambassador Phillip Carter III during the Press Conference (Dpt of State)

Ambassador Phillip Carter III during the Press Conference (Dpt of State)

Ambassador Phillip Carter III called for an “AIDS-free generation” in Côte d’Ivoire and highlighted the engagement of the U.S. Government in the fight against HIV/AIDS during his World AIDS Day press conference held at the Embassy on November 29. Ambassador Carter noted that the U.S. Government, through PEPFAR (the President’s Emergency Program for AIDS Relief), is the largest donor to the Ivorian health care sector, investing over $130 million in 2012. These funds are used to purchase medication for those affected by HIV/AIDS, for HIV testing and prevention services, and for education and other outreach efforts. Ambassador Carter was joined at the press conference by PEPFAR Country Coordinator Jennifer Walsh who described several PEPFAR initiatives to increase capacity and improve service in the Ivorian health care system. In addition to the press conference, PEPFAR organized an “in-reach” program for Embassy staff and families that included presentations about living with and talking to children about HIV/AIDS, free HIV prevention kits and testing, and counseling.