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PMI: Presidents Malaria Initiative - Saving lives in Africa.

Behavior Change Communication and Social Mobilization

  Photo of a hanging net being demonstrated before a group.
  The proper way to hang a net is demonstrated during an ITN campaign in Liberia. PMI works with its partners to increase demand for and proper use of long-lasting ITNs through behavior change communication programs.
Source: Benoist Matsha-Carpentier/The MENTOR Initiative

Achieving and maintaining the goals of PMI and of national malaria control programs depend on correct and consistent use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), acceptance of indoor residual spraying, and adherence to treatment and prevention therapies. Behavior change communication and social mobilization play an important role in the overall effectiveness and uptake of these interventions.

Behavior change communication is a process of working with individuals, communities, and societies to develop communication strategies that use specific, targeted messages and a variety of approaches to enable people to initiate and sustain healthy behaviors. Comprehensive malaria behavior change communication and social mobilization programs use different methods to increase knowledge of malaria's risk factors and change individual and community behaviors.

PMI supports behavior change and social mobilization programs in all 19 focus countries by providing funds for conducting needs assessments, including formative research, to determine communication needs and drive the strategy; developing national communication strategies to address key malaria behaviors; and tailoring to target audiences, using appropriate channels. Activities include training of health and community workers, religious leaders, and journalists in behavior change and social mobilization and interpersonal communication; radio spots; drama shows on malaria; and printed messages including those that accompany packaged ITNs and ACT. Implementation of these activities occurs at various locations, including clinics, homes, religious institutions, schools, and community events.


PMI generally uses the term behavior change communication with information, education, and communication as a component of behavior change communication.