United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Polytrauma System of Care

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury


The term "polytrauma" is defined as a serious injury to two or more body systems which result in physical, cognitive, or psychological impairments that limit a person's ability to function. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) frequently occurs in polytrauma.

Definition and Background

TBI wounds are often invisible, the treatment complex, and the effects far-reaching.
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About the Brain

Though it weighs barely three pounds, the brain has an enormous job.
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TBI Symptoms and Screening

A TBI can have varying physical, behavioral, and cognitive effects.
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Recovery and Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation helps patients return to the most independent and productive life possible.
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Interactive Brain

Interactive Brain Image

The Center for Excellence in Media Management (CEMM) developed the Interactive Brain to explore the brain's anatomy and to describe the brain's numerous functions.
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Traumatic Brain Injury Documentary

Traumatic Brain Injury Documentary Image

Recovery is about finding, opening, and getting through doors.
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