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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Steller sea lions, photo: Dave Csepp

Protected Resources Division

Killer whales swimming by NOAA research vessel
Killer whales swimming by NOAA research vessel. Photo: NOAA Fisheries
The Protected Resources Division (PRD), with offices in Juneau and Anchorage, is responsible for developing management and conservation programs for all but three species of marine mammals in Alaska, and for providing regional policy guidance on marine mammal and other protected species issues. In administering provisions of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Fur Seal Act, and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation Act, the biologists and staff of the PRD work with other NMFS offices to develop regulations and management measures to protect, conserve and restore marine mammal populations.

A few of the areas that the PRD is specifically involved in are managing commercial fishery interactions with marine mammals and seabirds, coordinating Steller sea lion recovery efforts, co-management of marine mammal subsistence harvests with Alaska Native organizations, coordinating the Alaska Marine Mammal Stranding Network, establishing responsible marine mammal viewing guidelines, and developing and distributing public information and educational materials about marine mammals in Alaska. The division also consults on permit requests for scientific research, capture of marine mammals for public display, and takes of marine mammals incidental to other activities. Additionally, PRD consults with Federal agencies under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act to ensure that Federal agency activities do not adversely affect threatened or endangered marine mammal species or their critical habitat.

Species Information


Legislation and Compliance

Endangered Species Act (ESA)

Human Interactions


Commercial Fisheries

Permits and Authorizations

Strandings and Entanglement

Status and Population


Contact Information

Carrie Williams
Administrative Support
NMFS Alaska Region
Protected Resources Division
222 W. 7th Ave., #43
Anchorage, AK 99513-7577
PH: (907) 271-5006
Fax:(907) 271-3030

Brad Smith, Field Office supervisor, ESA, MMPA actions, oil and gas
(907) 271-3023

Barbara Mahoney, Marine mammal strandings, co-management, Cook Inlet beluga whales,
(907) 271-3448

Mandy Migura, Cook Inlet beluga whales, Marine mammal strandings, Cook Inlet beluga whale recovery Team Coordinator
(907) 271-1332

Tammy Olson, Marine mammals, ESA, ice seals, (907) 271-2373

Fely Oney, Administrative Assistant, (907) 271-5008

Lisa Rotterman, Steller Sea Lion Coordinator,
(907) 271-1692

Dana Seagars, GIS, fisheries interactions, (907) 271-5005

Larry Thomas , NOAA Corps officer, oil spill response and planning, (907) 271-6620

Mike Williams, Pribilof Islands Program Manager, MMPA, (907) 271-5117

Rhonda McMichael
Administrative Support
NMFS Alaska Region
Protected Resources Division
P.O. Box 21668
709 West 9th Street
Juneau, AK 99802
PH: (907) 586-7236
Fax: (907) 586-7012

Jon Kurland, Director
(907) 586-7638

Kim Rivera, Deputy Director, Seabird Coordinator
(907) 586-7424

Alicia Bishop, ESA Section 7, MMPA
(907) 586-7224

Brandee Gerke, fisheries interactions, (907) 586-7650

Kaili Jackson, Assistant Stranding Coordinator, (907) 586-7209

Aleria Jensen, Marine Mammal Stranding Coordinator/Harbor Seal Co-Management Coordinator, ESA Section 7, (907) 586-7248

Bridget Mansfield, Marine Mammal Observer Program Coordinator, MMPA, (907) 586-7642

Kate Savage, Marine Mammal Specialist, GIS, ESA Section 7, (907) 586-7312

Sadie Wright, ESA Section 7, oil spill response, fisheries interactions, (907) 586-7630