 Bringing the United States and Vietnam Closer Together through Educational Exchange

VEF Mission Statement

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The mission of the Vietnam Education Foundation (VEF) is to help Vietnam build excellence in science and technology (S&T), and by so doing, bring the United States and Vietnam closer together. Specifically, VEF aims to help Vietnam establish a science, engineering, medical, and technical community of people and institutions that can implement a strong teaching and research agenda, create economic growth, maintain scientific cooperation with the U.S., and enable Vietnam to gain from, and contribute to, scientific and technological advances globally.

We carry out our mission by bringing the most able Vietnamese nationals to leading U.S. universities for graduate and post-graduate training in S&T, and helping Vietnam strengthen its internal S&T capacity and institutions.

While VEF's funding is essential, an important value of VEF is our ability to leverage resources and mobilize the American scientific and educational community to help Vietnam. Our strategy, therefore, calls for us to be a catalyst, to focus on high-quality activities, and to expand Vietnam’s existing S&T strengths.