 Bringing the United States and Vietnam Closer Together through Educational Exchange

Fellowship Grant

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  1. Fellowship Grant to the University (Years 1 and 2) to Support Fellow. During the Fellow’s first two years at the U.S. University (Years 1 and 2), VEF provides an annual grant of $27,000 paid directly to the University to help support each VEF Fellow. This grant amount is in lieu of the following, which must be covered each year by the University: all required deposits; school orientation fees; required tuition and fees for the academic year and summer session; medical and health insurance required of an international student for the academic year and summer session; required books and educational equipment; and stipends for 12 calendar months that would be at least the minimum amount that is provided to other graduate students in the Fellow's department. If there is a financial shortfall, the U.S. University is expected to provide additional funds to supplement the VEF annual grant of $27,000 for the first two years because the Fellow has no other resources.
  2. Full Support by the University (Year 3 and beyond). From the third year forward, the University must provide full financial support for the Fellow, which is typically provided through a graduate assistantship. VEF does not provide any grant directly to the University after the Fellow's second year of graduate study. The Fellow is expected to meet the University's requirements to receive a graduate assistantship no later than the 3rd year.
  3. Professional Development Grant to the Fellow.  VEF will provide each Fellow $1,000 per year as a Professional Development Grant (PDG) as long as the Fellow is enrolled full-time under VEF sponsorship, is in good standing and maintaining proper immigration status, and is not engaged in Academic Training (off-campus employment benefit of the J-1 visa status). VEF Fellows, who advance from a Master’s degree to a doctoral degree and continue to be sponsored by VEF, will be eligible to receive the PDG for the duration of their doctoral program. The PDG funds cannot be applied to costs covered by the University, as indicated in items #1 and #2 above; PDG funds are strictly for the Fellow to use as prescribed by VEF.
  4. Payment of VEF funds to the University. The University grant ($27,000 for each Fellow for each of the first two years) and the annual PDG ($1,000 for each Fellow for each year) to be provided to each Fellow (as described above) will be electronically transferred from VEF to the University at the beginning of the academic year. No administrative fees can be deducted by the University for administering or handling the VEF monies. The University makes all financial arrangements for distribution and application of monies. The first stipend payment must be made within the first month of arrival of the VEF Fellow on campus and every month thereafter. Ideally, the University should make arrangements to make a partial payment of the stipend upon the Fellow’s arrival on campus as the Fellow has no other source of funds. Regardless of any unforeseen delays on the part of the University or VEF in processing the grant, the first and all subsequent stipend payments to the Fellow must be made in a timely fashion.
  5. Other Financial Support. VEF will also pay for the following:
    1. All costs related to pre-academic English language training if required by the University. English as a Second Language (ESL) courses must be conducted at the University during the summer prior to the first fall term of the graduate program. A specific performance level in the ESL training cannot be a condition of admission to the University. VEF does not fund ESL at any other time or at any other location.
    2. All costs related to the required Pre-Departure Orientation training conducted in Vietnam by VEF.
    3. Visa application fee (if any).
    4. Physical exam and inoculations required by the University prior to departure to the United States.
    5. Costs of economy-class airfare from Vietnam to the primary airport nearest the University and return economy-class airfare to Vietnam at the completion of the Fellow’s academic program.
    6. A modest settling-in allowance of $500 given directly to the Fellow during the VEF Pre-Departure Orientation in Vietnam to help cover personal incidental expenses in the United States.
  6. Annual VEF Fellows and Scholars Conference. To facilitate interaction among VEF Fellows and Visiting Scholars and between Fellows and the U.S. and Vietnamese scientific community, VEF organizes an Annual Conference in the United States on January 3-5. During the Fellowship period, VEF will pay for the costs for the Fellow to attend the Conference, including round-trip economy-class airfare from the Fellow's home of record in the United States, lodging, and a fixed allowance toward expenses.