Utah, Let's Do Our Part - Banner

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The "Utah, Let's Do Our Part" campaign is the result of an interagency effort to reach the public with fire prevention messages relevant to Utah. The program targets three major preventable causes of fires in Utah. They are campfires, debris burning, and vehicle fires. It is the goal of the program to reach specific audiences with fire prevention messages in hopes of reducing the number of human-caused fires in the state. For example, many fires are started by unattended campfires left by teenagers or young adults out for an evening of fun in the mountains. Even on a cold night, campfires can burn all night and turn into major wildfires with a small breeze. The same problem exists with debris burning in the spring and fall. Just because the debris is burned on private land or in a remote corner of a large parcel of land doesn't mean it can be left unattended.

Vehicles are a major problem in Utah because vehicle fires are started in many ways. Often, people pull off the side of the road in the brush to get out of traffic and start fires by the hot cars without the driver ever knowing it. ATVs, trucks, and other vehicles that travel cross country are another major issue as exhaust sparks, dragging metal, hot engines, brake malfunctions, and more cause wildfires. The public will see billboards, flyers, posters, PSAs, news releases, and other products with this campaign logo on them.

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