NOAA Miami Regional Library  

                       Electronic Journals List                    

*For passwords, please email the AOML Librarian, or call the library at (305) 361-4428.

Available to NOAA AOML staff only



Abstracts of the Papers Communicated to the Royal Society of London   (1843-1854)
Abstracts of Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1800-1843)
Acclimations Newsletter (1998-2000)
Advanced Engineering Materials (1997-current)
Advanced Functional Materials (1997-current)
Advanced Materials (1997-current)
Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science
Advances in Environmental Research (2000-current)
Advances in Polymer Technology (1997-current)
Advances in Water Resources (1995-current)
Africa: Journal of the International African Institute (1928-2004)
African Economic History (1976-2004)
Agribusiness: an International Journal (1997-current)
Agricultural History (1927-2004)
AGU Journals
AIChE Journal (1997-current)
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment
The American Biology Teacher (2000-current)
American Fern Journal (2001-current)
American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2000-current)
American Journal of Botany (1914-2002)
American Journal of Hematology (1997-current)
American Journal of Industrial Medicine (1997-current)
American Journal of Mathematics (1878-2006)
American Journal of Medical Genetics (1997-current)
American Midland Naturalist (1909-2004)
American Mathematical Monthly
American Museum Novitates (2000-current)
American Naturalist (1867-2006)
American Scientist (abstracts only) (1998-current)
American Statistician (1947-2002)
American Zoologist (2000-2001)
AMS Newsletter (1996-2003)
Analytical Chemistry (1996-current)
Anatolian Studies (1951-2004)
The Anatomical Record (1997-current)
Angewandte Chemie International Edition (1997-current)
Annalen der Physik (1997-current)
Annals of Applied Probability (1991-2004)
Annals of Mathematical Statistics (1930-1972)
Annals of Mathematics (1884-2002)
Annals of Neurology (1997-current)
Annals of Probability (1973-2004)
Annals of Statistics (1973-2004)
Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2000-current)
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (1914-2004)
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics (1970-2002)
Annual Review of Fish Diseases (1995-1996)
Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences (1996-current)
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics (1996-current)
Anthropological Quarterly (1953-2004)
Applied Cognitive Psychology (1997-current)
Applied Ocean Research (1995- current)
Applied Mathematical Modelling
(1995- current)
Applied Statistics (1952-2003)
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (1997-current)
Applied Vegetation Science (2002-current)
Aquaculture (1995-current)
Aquaculture Nutrition (1997-current)
Aquaculture Research (1997-current)
Aquacultural Engineering (1995-current)
Aquaculture International (1997-current)
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (1997-current)
Aquatic Toxicology (1995-current)
The Arabidopsis Book
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (1996-current)
Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology (1997-current)
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research (2003-current)
Arthritis & Rheumatism (1997-current)
Assessment Update (1997-current)
Astronomische Nachrichten (1997-current)
Athenian Agora (1953-1998)
Atmosphere Ocean (1978-current)
Atmospheric Environment (1995-current)
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2001-current)
Atmospheric Research (1995-current)
Atmospheric Science Letters (1997-current)
Atoll Research Bulletin (1951-current)
The Auk (2000-current)
Avian Diseases (2002-current)
Avian Diseases Digest (2006-current)

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Bell Labs Technical Journal (1997-current)
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (1997-current)
Biodiversity Letters (1993-1996) Continued by Diversity and Distributions (1996-2005)
Bioelectromagnetics (1997-current)
Biological Bulletin (1990-current)
Biological Conservation
Biology of Reproduction (2000-2006)
Biomedical Chromatography (1997-current)
Biometrical Journal (1997-current)
Biometrics (1999-current)
Biometrics (1947-1999)
Biometrics Bulletin
(1945-1946) Continued by Biometrics (1947-99)
Biometrika (1901-2002)
Biopolymers (1997-current)
BIOS (2004-current)
BioScience  (2000-current)
Biotechnology & Bioengineering (1997-current)
Biotropica (1969-2002)
Birth Defects Research Part A, B & C (1997-current)
Botanical Bulletin (1875-1876) Continued by Botanical Gazette
Botanical Gazette (1876-1991) Continued by International Journal of Plant Sciences (1992-2006)
The Botanical Review (2002-current)
Boundary-Layer Meteorology (1997-current)
British Journal of Surgery (1997-current)
Brittonia (1931-2002)
The Bryologist (1898-current)
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (1996-current)
Bulletin of Marine Science (2004-current)
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (1995-current)
Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1948-2002)
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (1970-current)
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (2000-current)
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club (1870-1996) Continued by the Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society (1997-2004)

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Canadian Public Policy (1975-2006)
Cancer (1997-current)
Carbon Balance and Management (2006-current)
Caribbean Journal of Science  (2004-2010)
Castanea (2004-current)
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions (1997-current)
Cell Biochemistry and Function (1997-current)
Cell Stress & Chaperones (2000-current)
ChemBioChem (1997-current)
Chemical Engineering & Technology (CET) (1997-current)
Chemical Research in Toxicology
Chemical Reviews
Chemistry - A European Journal (1997-current)
Chemistry - An Asian Journal (1997-current)
Chemistry of Materials
ChemPhysChem (1997-current)
Chesapeake Science (1960-1977) Continued by Estuaries (1978-2005)
Child Abuse Review (1997-current)
Chinese Journal of Chemistry (1997-current)
Color Research & Application (1997-current)
Combinatorial Chemistry- An Online Journal (1998-current)
Climate Diagnostics Bulletin (1999-current)
Climate Dynamics (1997-current)
Climatic Change (1997-current)
CLIVAR Publications (2004-current)
The Coleopterists Bulletin (2000-current)
College Mathematics Journal (1984-2004)
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering (1997-current)
Communications of the ACM (1958-current) Contact librarian for password
Communications on Pure & Applied Mathematics (1997-current)
Comparative Parasitology (2002-current)
Complexity (1997-current)
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (1997-current)
Computer Applications In Engineering Education (1997-current)
Computer Music Journal (1977-2002)
Computers & Fluids (1995-current)
Computing in Science and Engineering (1999-current)
Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience (1997-current)
The Condor  (2000-current)
Conformal Geometry and Dynamics (1997-current)
Conservation Biology (1987-current)
Continental Shelf Research (1995-current)
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging (1997-current)
Contributions to Plasma Physics (1997-current)
Copeia (2000-current)
Coral Reef News-NOAA
Coral Reefs
Crystal Growth & Design
Crystal Research and Technology (1997-current)
Cytometry Part A (1997-current)
Cytometry Part B (1997-current)

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Daily Weather Maps (1871-2002)
Daily Weather Maps (2003-current)
Deep Sea Research (1953-1961) Abstracts Only
Deep Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts (1962-1976) Abstracts Only
Deep Sea Research (1977-1978) Abstracts Only
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers (1979-1992) Abstracts Only
Deep Sea Research Part B. Oceanographic Literature Review  (1979-1989) Abstracts Only
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers (1995-current)
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography (1995-current)
Depression and Anxiety (1997-current)
Developmental Dynamics (1997-current)
Developmental Neurobiology (1997-current)
Developmental Psychobiology (1997-current)
Diagnostic Cytopathology (1997-current)
Diversity and Distributions (1996-2006) Preceded by Biodiversity Letters
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
Dyslexia (1997-current)

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Earth and Planetary Science Letters (1995-current)
Earth Interactions (1997-current)
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (1997-current)
Earth System Monitor (1995-current)
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (1997-current)
Ecography (1992-2000)
Ecological Applications (1991-2003)
Ecological Economics
Ecological Engineering
Ecological Monographs (1931-2003)
Ecological Indicators (2001-current)
Ecological Modelling
Ecology (1920-2005)
Ecology Letters (1998-current)
Econometric Theory (1985-2002)
Econometrica (1933-2005)
Economic Botany (2002-current)
Economic Development and Cultural Change (1952-2006)
Electrical Engineering in Japan (1997-current)
Electronic Journal of Operational Meteorology (1997-current)
Electronics & Communications in Japan Part I (1997-current)
Electrophoresis (1997-current)
Environmental and Ecological Statistics (1997-current)
Environmental and Resource Economics (1997-current)
Environmental Biology of Fishes
Environmental Entomology (2000-current)
Environmental Modelling & Software (1995-current)
Environmental Progress (1997-current)
Environmental Quality Management (1997-current)
Environmental Software (1986-1996)
EOS :Transactions, American Geophysical Union Supplementary Material
Estuaries (1978-2005) Continued by Estuaries and Coasts (2006-current)
Estuaries and Coasts (2006-current)
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science (1995-current)
Ethics (1938-2006)
European Journal of Immunology (1997-current)
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (1997-current)
European Journal of Organic Chemistry (1997-current)
Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal (1997-current)
Evolution (1947-2004)
Evolutionary Anthropology (1997-current)
Experimental Long-Lead Forecast Bulletin (1996-current)
Explorations (1947-2003)

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Fed Jobs
Federal Employees News Digest
Federal Times
Fire and Materials (1997-current)
Fish and Fisheries (2000-current)
Fish and Shellfish Immunology (1995-current)
Fish Physiology
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (1997-current)
Fisheries Bulletin (1999-current)
Fisheries Management and Ecology (1996-current)
Fisheries Oceanography (1997-current)
Fisheries Research
Fisheries Science (2000-current)
Florida Entomologist (2002-current)
Fortschritte der Physik/Progress of Physics (1997-current)
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (2003-2005)
Freshwater Biology (1996-current)
Fuel Cells (1997-current)
Functional Ecology (1987-2003)

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Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer (1997-current)
genesis: The Journal of Genetics and Development (1997-current)
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (1995-current)
Geofizika (1984-current)
Geographical Journal (2001-current)
Geological Journal (1997-current)
Geophysical Research Letters (1994-current)
Global and Planetary Change (1995-current)
Global Biogeochemical Cycles (1994-current)
Global Change Biology (1997-current)
Global Ecology and Biogeography (1999-2001)
Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters (1991-1998)
Goodwin Series (1972-2000)

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Harmful Algae (2002-current)
Head & Neck: Journal for The Sciences & Specialties of The Head and Neck (1997-current)
Heat Transfer - Asian Research (1997-current)
Helgoland Marine Research (1999-current)
Helvetica Chimica Acta (1997-current)
Hepatology (1997-current)
Herpetologica (2002-current)
Herpetological Monographs (2002-current)
Heteroatom Chemistry (1997-current)
Human Resource Development Quarterly (1997-current)
Human Resource Management (1997-current)
Huntington Library Quarterly (1937-2004)
Hydrological Processes (1997-current)


Icarus (1997-current)
Ichthyological Research (2001-current)
Inorganic Chemistry
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal (2000-current)
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant (2003-current)
Incorporated Statistician (1950-1961) Continued by Statistician (1962-2003)
Integrative and Comparative Biology (2002-2004)
International Environmental Agreements (2001-current)
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (1997-current)
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (1997-current)
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (1997-current)
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing (1997-current)
International Journal of American Linguistics (1917-2006)
International Journal of Cancer (1997-current)
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics (1997-current)
International Journal of Climatology (1997-current)
International Journal of Energy Research (1997-current)
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology (1997-current)
International Journal of Intelligent Systems (1997-current)
International Journal of Network Management (1997-current)
International Journal of Plant Sciences (1992-2006)
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (1997-current)
International Journal of Remote Sensing (1997-current)
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering (1997-current)
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control (1997-current)
International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking (1997-current)
International Review of Hydrobiology (1997-current)

Invasive Plant Science and Management
IRB: Ethics and Human Research (1979-2005)
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (1995-current)
Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics

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Journal of Aerosol Science (1995-current)
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Journal of American History (1964-2005)
Journal of Animal Ecology (1998-current)
Journal of Animal Ecology (1932-2003)
Journal of Applied Econometrics (1997-current)
Journal of Anthropological Research (1973-2004)
Journal of Applied Ecology (1964-2003)
Journal of Applied Ecology (1998-current)
Journal of Applied Icthyology (1999-current)
Journal of Applied Meteorology (1962-2005)
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (2006-present)
Journal of Applied Polymer Science (1997-current)
Journal of Applied Toxicology (1997-current)
Journal of Arachnology  (2000-current)
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry (1997-current)
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (1984-current)
Journal of Avian Biology (1994-2000)
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery (2000-current)
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (1997-current)
Journal of Biogeography (1974-2001)
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A (1997-current)
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (1997-current)
Journal of Cellular Physiology (1997-current)
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology (1997-current)
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Journal of Chemometrics (1997-current)
Journal of Climate (1988-current)
Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis (1997-current)
Journal of Clinical Psychology (1997-current)
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound (1997-current)
Journal of Cell Biology (1962-2006)
Journal of Coastal Conservation (2002-2004)
Journal of Coastal Research (2005-current)
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry
Journal of Computational Chemistry (1997-current)
Journal of Computational Physics (1997-current)
Journal of Consumer Behaviour (1997-current)
Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance (1997-current)
Journal of Crustacean Biology (1981-current)
Journal of Ecology (1998-current)
Journal of Ecology (1913-2003)
Journal of Economic Entomology  (2000-current)
Journal of Economic Literature (1969-2005)
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (1914-2002)
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (1995-current)
Journal of Environmental Management (1995-current) Abstracts Only
The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology  (2000-2004)
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (1995-current)
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A (1997-current)
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B (1997-current)
Journal of Field Ornithology (2000-2005)
Journal of Field Robotics (1997-current)
Journal of Fish Biology (1993-current)
Journal of Fish Diseases (1996-current)
Journal of Forecasting (1997-current)
The Journal of Futures Markets (1997-current)
Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics (1994-current)
Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth (1994-current)
Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans (1994-current)
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres (1994-current)
Journal of Geophysical Research E:Planets (1994- current)
Journal of Geophysical Research F:Earth Surface (2003-current)
Journal of Geophysical Research G:Biogeosciences (2003-current)
Journal of Graph Theory (1997-current)
Journal of Herpetology (2002-current)
Journal of Hospital Medicine (1997-current)
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (1993-current)
Journal of Hydrometeorology (2000-current)
Journal of Insect Science (2001-2006)
Journal of Interactive Marketing (1997-current)
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (1995-current)
Journal of Industrial Economics (1952-2002)
Journal of Mammology (1919-2004)
Journal of Marine Research (1993-current)
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Journal of Marine Systems (1995-current)
Journal of Mass Spectrometry (1997-current)
Journal of Medical Virology (1997-current)
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Journal of Morphology (1997-current)
Journal of Natural Products
Journal of Nonlinear Science (1996-current)
Journal of Oceanography (1999-current)
Journal of Organic Chemistry
Journal of Organizational Behavior (1997-current)
Journal of Orthopaedic Research (1997-current)
Journal of Orthoptera Research (2001-current)
Journal of Paleontology (1927-2003)
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (1997-current)
Journal of Parasitology  (2000-current)
Journal of Pathology (1997-current)
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (1997-current)
Journal of Photgrammetry and Remote Sensing
Journal of Phycology (1979-current)
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Journal of Physical Oceanography (1971-current)
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry (1997-current)
Journal of Plankton Research (1998-current)
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science / Zeitschrift fuer Pflanzenernaehrung und Bodenkunde (1997-current)
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (1997-current)
Journal of Proteome Research
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (1997-current)
Journal of Research in Science Teaching (1997-current)
Journal of Scientific Computing (1997-current)
Journal of Sea Research (1996-current)
Journal of Sedimentary Research (1931-current)
Journal of Separation Science (1997-current)
Journal of Sex Research (1965-2002)
Journal of Surgical Oncology (1997-current)
Journal of Symbolic Logic (1936-2003)
Journal of the American Chemical Society (1996-current)
Journal of the American Mathematical Society (1988-2002)
Journal of The American Society for Information Science and Technology (1997-current)
Journal of the American Statistical Association (1922-2002)
Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science  (2004-current)
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (1944-current)
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (1957-2002)
Journal of the History of Sexuality (1990-2005)
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (1997-current)
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society (2004-current)
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan (2001-current)
Journal of the New York Entomological Society (2000-2006)
Journal of the North American Benthological Society  (2004-current)
Journal of the North Atlantic
Journal of the Royal Society, Interface: Physical and Life Sciences (2004-current)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (1887-1947)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General) (1948-1987)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society) (1988-2003)
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1997-current)
Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (1953-1965)
Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Series B, Numerical Analysis
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology) (1998-2003)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological) (1948-1997)
Journal of the Statistical Society of London
Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society (1997-current)
Journal of Time Series Analysis (1997-current)
Journal of Traumatic Stress (1997-current)
Journal of Tropical Ecology (1985-2002)
Journal of Vegetation Science (2002-current)
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (2000-current)
Journal of Waterway, Port Coastal, and Ocean Engineering (1995-current)
Journal of Wildlife Management (2004-2007)
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine  (2000-current)

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Land Degradation and Development (1997-current)
Landscape Ecology (1997-current)
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine (1997-current)
Leader to Leader (1997-current)
Latin American Antiquity (1990-2004)
Limnology and Oceanography (1956-2004)
Liver Transplantation (1997-current)

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Macromolecular Bioscience (1997-current)
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics (1997-current)
Macromolecular Materials & Engineering (1997-current)
Macromolecular Rapid Communications (1997-current)
Macromolecular Symposia (1997-current)
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations (1997-current)
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (1997-current)
Mammalian Species (1969-2005)
Managerial and Decision Economics (1997-current)
Marine Biology (1997-current)
Marine Biotechnology (1999-current)
Marine Chemistry (1995-current)
Marine Ecology (1999-current)
Marine Environmental Research (1995- current)
Marine Fisheries Review (1998-current)
Marine Geodesy (1999-current)
Marine Geophysical Researches (1997-current)
Marine Mammal Science
Marine Policy (1995-current)
Marine Pollution Bulletin (1995-current)
Marine Technology and SNAME News  (2001-2006)
Mariners Weather Log (1998-current)
Mass Spectrometry Reviews (1997-current)
Mathematical Gazette (1894-2002)
Mathematical Geology (1997-2007) Name Changed to Mathematical Geosciences
Mathematical Geosciences (2008-current) Preceded by Mathematical Geology
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (1997-current)
Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation (1943-1959)
Mathematics Magazine (1947-2004)
Mathematics News Letter (1926-1934)
Mathematics of Computation
Mathematics of Computation
Mathematics of Operations Research (1976-2003)
Mathematische Nachrichten (1997-current)
Meteorological Applications (2002-current)
Meteorologische Zeitschrift (2001-current)
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (1997-current)
Microscopy Research and Technique (1997-current)
Microsurgery (1997-current)
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (1997-current)
Midland Naturalist (1909-2004)
Missouri Botanical Garden Annual Report (1890-1912)
MLQ- Mathematical Logic Quarterly (1997-current)
Molecular Carcinogenesis (1997-current)
Molecular Ecology (1996-current)
Molecular Ecology Notes (2001-current)
Molecular Pharmaceutics
Monthly Weather Review (1914-current)
Mountain Research and Development (1981-2004)
Muscle and Nerve (1997-current)

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National Mathematics Magazine (1934-1945) Continued by Mathematics Magazine (1947-2004)
National Weather Digest (1976-current)
Nature (2004-current)
Natural Hazards (1996-current)
Naval Research Logistics: an International Journal (1997-current)
Neotropical Primates
Netherlands Journal of Sea Research (1995)
Networks: an International Journal (1997-current)
New Directions for Child & Adolescent Development
New Directions for Community Colleges
New Directions for Higher Education
New Directions for Teaching & Learning
New Phytologist (1902-2004)
NMR in Biomedicine (1997-current)
NOAA Coral Reef News
NOAA Magazine (2001-current)
Northeastern Naturalist (1997-2004)
Northwestern Naturalist (1989-2004)
Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications (1997-current)
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

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Ocean and Coastal Management (1995-current)
Ocean and Shoreline Management
(1988-1991) Abstracts Only
Ocean Dynamics (1997-current)
Ocean Engineering (1995-current)
Ocean Management (1973-1986) Abstracts Only
Ocean Modelling (1999-current)
Ocean Science (2005-current)
Oceanic Linguistics (1962-2004)
Oceanologia (1996-current)
Oikos (2000-current)
Optimal Control Applications and Methods (1997-current)
Oral History Review (1973-2004)
Organic Geochemistry (1995-current)
Organic Process Research & Development
Ornithological Monographs (2006-current)
Our Changing Planet : The FY 1998 U.S. Global Change Research Program Report

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Pacific Historical Review (1932-2004)
PALAIOS  (2000-current)
Paleobiology (1975-2003)
Palynology (1977-2002)
Parallel Computing
Particle & Particle Systems Characterization (1997-current)
PC World   (1998-current)
Pediatric Blood & Cancer (1997-current)
Pediatric Pulmonology (1997-current)
Perspectives on Politics (2003-2004)
Pest Management Science (1997-current)
Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775)
Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678)
Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences (1990-2004)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences (1934-1990)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character (1896-1934)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1776-1886)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences (1996-present)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1934-1990)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character (1887-1895)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B (1887-1895)
Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences
Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering (1990-1995)
Phoenix (1946-2004)
Photochemistry and Photobiology (2000-current)
Photogrammetria (1938-1989) Abstracts Only
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (available to individual members only)
physica status solidi (a): Applications and Materials Science (1997-current)
physica status solidi (b) Basic Solid State Physics (1997-current)
physica status solidi (c): Conferences & Critical Reviews (1997-current)
Physical Oceanography (2002-current) Abstracts Only
Physics of Fluids (2002-current)
Physics Plasmas (2002-current)
Polar Biology (1996-current)
Polymer Composites (1997-current)
Polymer Engineering & Science (1997-current)
Polymer International (1997-current)
Polymers for Advanced Technologies (1997-current)
Primate Conservation
Proceedings: Biological Sciences (1990-2004)
Proceedings: Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (2001-current)
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science (1928-1991)
Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research (1928-2001)
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (1950-2002)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences (1996-current)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1990-1995)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences (1934-1990)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character (1905-1934)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences (1934-1990)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character (1905-1934)
Process Safety Progress (1997-current)
Progress in Oceanography (1995-current)
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research & Applications (1997-current)
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics (1997-current)
Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics (1997-current)
Proteomics (1997-current)
Psychology & Marketing (1997-current)
Psychology in the Schools (1997-current)

Publications of the American Economic Association (1886-1907)
Publications of the American Statistical Association (1888-1919)
Pure and Applied Geophysics (1997-current)

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Quality and Reliability Engineering International (1997-current)
Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association (1920-1921)
The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (1997-current)
Quarterly Review of Biology (1926-2006)
Quaternary Research (1997-current)


Radiation Research (2000-current)
Radio Science (1994-current)
Radiography (1995-current) Abstracts Only
Random Structures and Algorithms (1997-current)
Rangeland Ecology & Management (2004-current)
Rangelands (2004-current)
Rapid Assessment Program Bulletin of Biological Assessment
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (1997-current)
Remediation Journal (1997-current)
Remote Sensing of Environment (1995-current)
Representation Theory (1996-current)
Research in Nursing & Health (1997-current)
Restoration Ecology (1997-current)
Review of Economic Studies (1933-2004)
Review of Financical Studies (1988-2004)
Review of Religious Research (1959-2005)
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries (1997-current)
Reviews of Geophysics (1993-current)
Revista de Biologia Tropical (1998-current) Note: Page loads slowly
Risk Analysis (2000-current)

Top of Page


Science (1880-2002)
Science (1997-current)
ScienceNOW (1996-current)
Science Education (1997-current)
Science News (1996-current)
Scientia Marina (1989-current)
Scientific American (2001-current)
Scientific Monthly (1915-1957)
Sedimentology (1996-current)
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics (1966-2003)
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (1997-current)
SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis (1966-2002)
SIAM Review (1959-2002)
SMALL (1997-current)
The Society of Wetland Scientists Bulletin (2000-current)
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability (1997-current)
Software:Practice and Experience (1997-current)
Southeastern Naturalist (2002-2004)
Southern Economic Journal (1933-2004)
Southwestern Naturalist (1956-2004)
Statistical Science (1986-2004)
Statistician (1962-2003)
Strategic Management Journal (1997-current)
Surface and Interface Analysis (1997-current)
Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (1934-1947)
Surveys in Geophysics
Systematic Biology
Systematic Botany (1976-2002)
Systematic Zoology (1952-1991)
Systems Engineering (1997-current)
Systems Research & Behavioral Science
SubStance (1971-2006)

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Taxon (1951-2004)
Technometrics (1959-2002)
Tellus A (1990-2011)
Tellus B (1990-2011)
Tellus A (2012-current)
Tellus B (2012-current)
The Environmentalist (1997-current) Abstracts Only
The Journal of Modern History (1929-2006)
The Journal of Political Economy (1929-2006)
The Journal of the History of Sexuality (1990-2005)
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (1997-current)
Theoretical Population Biology (1995-current)
The Hastings Center Report (1971-2005)
The Hastings Center Studies (1973-1975)
The Plant Cell (1989-2005)
The Quarterly Review of Biology (1926-2006)
The Royal Society Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences (1997-current)
Transactions in GIS (1996-current)
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (1900-2002)
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (1903-2004)
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (1872-2002)
Trends In Ecology And Evolution (1995-current)

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U.K. Met Office Tropical Cyclone Reports (2007)
Ursus (1998-2004)



Waterbirds (2002-current)
Water Research (1995-current)
Weather (2002-current)
Weather and Forecasting (1986-current)
Weatherwise (2009-2011)
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web (2003- 2004)
Weed Science (2000-current)
Weed Technology (2000-current)
Western Historical Quarterly (1970-2002)
Wetlands (2000-current)
Wetlands Ecology & Management (1997-current)
Wildlife Monographs (1958-2005)
Wildlife Society Bulletin (2004-2006)
William and Mary Quarterly (1892-2006)
The Wilson Bulletin (2000-2005)
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology (2006-current)
Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing (1997-current)
WMO Publications (last four issues only)

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X-Ray Spectrometry (1997-current)



ZAAC-Journal of Inorganic and General Chemistry (1997-current)
ZAMM-Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 
Zoologica Scripta (2006-current)                                                            

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Last updated on February 6, 2008